-Priming now triggers on Sweeps, and can trigger more than once per tick.
-Flesh Wound has been reworked to give the underwhelming enchantment a new niche. Now instead of returning a portion of red health damage taken as absorption, it provides a constant layer of absorption that refills after a couple seconds without injury.
-Vengeful's memory now lasts much longer, and no longer scales with rank.
-Vengeful now scales minimum incoming damage to trigger with rank, and its outgoing damage formula has been adjusted.
Spellbound Enchantments 1.17.0 is out!
-Adds Universal enchantment, a utility for tools that makes them suitable for any block, at half speed. Note that this does not mean they necessarily count as high enough tier for any block, so a Universal stone shovel will still fail to mine diamond ore.
-Adds Chilled enchantment, a utility for tools that freezes adjacent fluids when a block is broken. This makes digging into pockets of water or lava much less disruptive. Chillable blocks and their products can be defined via datapack.
-To prevent certain enchantments from having variable effects based on enchantment order, they now can have Priority. Enchantments with high Priority are resolved before enchantments with low priority.
-Fisher of Men is now a Priority 1 enchantment.
-Universal is now a Priority 1 enchantment.
-Storied can roll enchantments that only have 1 level. Configurable.
-Storied can roll treasure enchantments. Configurable.
-Primed detonates upon entity death as well as upon timing out.
-Primed instances now track their owner, and do not harm the owner. Configurable.
-Airline users would sometimes miss their flight.
Additions: -Adds Sunken Treasure, a Luck enchantment for fishing rods that lets users find crates while fishing. -Adds Crates, place-able blocks that generate chest loot when broken based on their quality and dimension of origin. --produces vanilla contents of the overworld, nether, and end, with a few custom loot tables to fill out the selection of the later two. Loot tables and dimensions from other mods can be added via datapack, and by default crates from foreign worlds will produce overworld content.
Changes: -Fisher of Men now makes hooking entities a 'proper' use of the tool, only consuming one durability instead of five. -Pestilence now only produces stink clouds when hit instead of all the time
Bugfixes: -Fixed crash related to Tethered effect -Cleaned up Pestilence code somewhat -Running Spellbound without Cloth Config should produce a more useful error now
Additions: -Adds Widened, an efficiency enchantment that allows a tool to harvest multiple contiguous, uncovered, matching blocks in an area ranging from a plus shape at level 1 to a 5x5 square at level 5, at cost of a minor mining speed penalty. In addition, It will apply a tool's on-use effects such as tilling or bark stripping to the enchantment's area of effect. Appears on any digging tool.
Widened is a complex enchantment, and has several configurations to allow players and servers to customize it's function. -REQUIRE_EXACT_MATCHING_BLOCK determines if blocks in the area will only be effected if they match the origin block. If false, blocks of other kinds will be effected if they are within the allowed range of hardness and meet all other conditions. It defaults to 'true'. -ALLOW_UNSUITABLE_TOOL determines if the enchantment can interact with blocks that the current tool is not suited for, such as dirt for a pickaxe. It defaults to 'false'. -REQUIRE_UNCOVERED_BLOCK determines if the enchantment can effect blocks that are covered on the face that the target block was broken on. This defaults to 'true'. -REQUIRE_CONTIGUOUS_BREAK determines if the enchantment can break blocks that are not connected to the target block by some path of blocks that will themselves be broken. If it is false, blocks isolated from the target block will be left intact. This defaults to 'true'. -IS_DIAGONAL_CONTIGUOUS only matters if REQUIRE_CONTIGUOUS_BREAK is true. It determines if diagonal contact is sufficient, or if cardinal adjacency is required. This defaults to 'true'. -MAXIMUM_HARDNESS_GAIN only matters if REQUIRE_EXACT_MATCHING_BLOCK is false. It is the limit of how much harder a block can be than the target and still be broken. This defaults to '0'. -MAXIMUM_HARDNESS_LOSS only matters if REQUIRE_EXACT_MATCHING_BLOCK is false. It is the limit of how much softer a block can be than the target and still be broken. This defaults to '0'. -MINING_SPEED_FACTOR is applied to the tool's mining speed multiplicatively. This defaults to '.7'.
Update to 1.20.1
Bugfixes: -Visual elements of the Shielded and Dying status effects could become opaque -Attractive and Repulsive slowed nearby players -Attractive could make pig riders fly -Attractive and Repulsive didn't work on players on servers -/killing a user with Flesh Wound would give them infinite absorption hearts if they survived, such as with Last Gasp or a Totem -Rare crash on server when Jousting -Last Gasp no longer prevents Totems of Undying from triggering -Crash when non-players used Scalping weapons in beta -Damage enchantment mixin broke in beta
Changes: -Last Gasp users now suffer an upfront loss of 50% to 0% of their maximum health when taking a Last Gasp. This makes small amounts of Last Gasp less effective, but far from useless, without sacrificing effectiveness on full sets. -Last Gasp now better supports epic level enchanting; having more than 16 enchantment ranks will increase the user's maximum health during a Last Gasp, allowing them to outlast the Dying status with a small amount of max health remaining. -Attractive and Repulsive no longer target the user's mount (or mount's mount), nor any mounted target. -Spikes no longer target the user's mount nor rider (or mount's mount or rider's rider). -Shielded Hearts now overlap with each other gracefully.
Happy Halloween!
-Adds Pestilence, a retaliation enchantment that spreads your status ailments to other entities and does damage based on how many they are thus suffering.
-Adds Despoiling, a looting enchantment that triggers Green Sparkles, and loots extra effectively while they are active.
-Adds Last Gasp, a protection enchantment that puts users in a dying state upon lethal damage. If they get a kill before they bleed out, they get back up.
-Green Sparkles now last longer
-Rampage now does a bit less damage. Still enough to one-shot unarmored targets, but not quite so much overkill
-Acceleration now has a cap to how much mining speed it can stack, by default 5x the speed of equivalent Efficiency
Additions: -Adds Warlike, a utility enchantment that raises the local difficulty and clamped local difficulty. Appears on chest armor, compatible with all armor.
Changes: -The highest level of any spellbound enchantment has no upper limit to maximum enchanting power, and so can appear in excessively powerful enchanting operations. -Users of Outburst emit anger particles when struck, increasing in quantity as rage builds.
Bugfixes: -On-break effects such as Legacy or Resurfacing can no longer trigger multiple times.
-CAN_SHIELD_HAVE_ARMOR_ENCHANTMENTS configuration determines if protection enchantments can be applied to shields. Defaults to 'false'
-Reworked how enchantment targets are handled on the backend. It should interact much more nicely with mods that change how enchanting works.
-Includes ASM as a jar-in-jar dependency in order to modify minecraft's enchantment target enum. No changes are required from or should be noticed by users, this is wholly internal.
-Dullness is incompatible with Fisher of Men.
Bugfix: -IS_TREASURE and IS_FOR_SALE configs were not working for several enchantments
-Priming was triggering twice with each hit
-'Extra Bubbly' and 'Very Bubbly' Flavors could exist on the same Lava Java
-Dullness could appear on armor
Additions: -Introduces Scalping, a 3-rank Looting enchantment that cuts away drops from victims before they even finish dying, and cuts away even more with overkill. It is found on axes and compatible with swords. -Introduces Storied, a Meta enchantment that levels up and adds more enchantments to an item as its legend grows. Storied can appear on any tool or weapon, but cannot be found via enchanting table nor by shopping and so must be found in other ways. -Introduces Resurfacing, a Repair enchantment that ensures your tool is never gone forever. Should the item be broken, abandoned, destroyed or even thrown into the very void it will turn up again in some place you have not yet explored. Only by destroying the enchantment first can a Resurfacing tool be lost forever.
Changes: -Personality enchantment category has been replaced with the Meta enchantment category. -Fortune and Looting are now separate enchantment categories. -Configuration file overhauled. -Legacy now triggers when enchanted items are destroyed as item entities.
Bugfix: -Prospector abuse detector did not distinguish between dimensions