Legacies and Legends v1.6.0 - Artifacts of Adventure
I know I say this every time - but I'm serious. This is the largest mod update I've ever done. Like really, just look at the changelog! Between Artifacts, overhauled Dungeons, Boomerangs and much, much more, I truly hope you all enjoy this new update.
What's New
Artifacts! Armor, Weapons, Amulets, Tablets and more!
Dungeon Overhaul! Multiple biome variants, Boomerangs and more.
Music! New music pools, tracks and discs.
Configurability! Now with an in-game GUI, dozens of configuration options allow you to toggle any feature in the mod
More! Trident Shards. Enchantments. Swamp Hut variants... I suggest you read the full changelog below.
music pool tweaks
added Flake and Psilopsychotic
new music pools for Snowy Biomes, Savannas, Dark Forests and the Main End Island
added Swamp Hut Variants, which come in 3 variants - a slightly updated vanilla one with a chance for a chest alongside 2 new ones
complete Dungeon overhaul. Done in the style of the vanilla one, the new Dungeons are heavily varied with biome-specific variants and multiple rooms
Boomerangs! An all-new weapon found in Dungeons, complete with a plethora of unique mechanics and enchantments
lowered the damage of the Hook
increased the hit speed of the Knife
added the Shatter enchantment
added the Striking enchantment
added the Decay enchantment
added the Extraction enchantment
added the Featherweight enchantment
added the Freeze enchantment
added the Rebound enchantment
added the Rejuvenate enchantment
added the Reinforced Chestplate artifact
added the Travelling Strides artifact
added the Wanderer Boots artifact
added the Verdant Sword artifact
added the Cleaving Axe artifact
added the Molten Pickaxe artifact
added the Prospector Shovel artifact
added the Withered Hoe artifact
added the Totem of Vengeance
added the Totem of Teleportation
added the Artifact of Allure
added the Artifact of Evasion
added the Artifact of Synthesis
added the Tablet of Recall
added the Tablet of Haste
added the Tablet of Revealing
added the Tablet of Levitation
added the Tablet of Deafening
added the Tablet of Channeling
added Trident Shards
added the Castles music disc
retextured the Svall music disc
Freezing effect
Wandering Traders can now also sell select Legacies and Legends items when Villager Config is installed, plus the new Dungeon Explorer Map
tons of misc tweaks
updated Legacy License
now depends on Cloth Config
Completely overhauled the entire config. Everything is now configurable, most of which can be configured individually, to allow for modpack developers and users to disable features they don't like, especially important considering the size of this update I won't list configs for features mentioned above, only new config-specific stuff that hasn't been mentioned already
added No Creeper Discs config option. Disabled by default
added No End Portal Music config option. Enabled by default
mod integration configs are now mod-specific
Mod Integration
added Trailer Tales integration
added Variants & Ventures integration
Dungeon, Fortress and Ward armor
Chilled enchantment
Underground Remains structure
Heart of the Sea lore book
- added enchantment description support for Enchancement
Legacies and Legends v1.5 - Nothing Built Can Last Forever
As is tradition, I'd like to start this changelog by thanking you all for your support. This may very well be the largest update this mod has received thus far, and I truly hope you enjoy the new additions and improvements.
What's New
Obelisk structure
Pale Cabin structure
Infinite Spooky Amethyst music disc
4 new pottery sherds
several new variants for existing structure types
echo shards can now trim armor
config options
many, many more changes and improvements listed below
added config toggle to music (new music is enabled by default)
removed Beginning and Moog City from the main menu
added Obelisks, which come in regular and Shattered variants
added Pale Cabins, which have two variants, much like Igloos
added Dusk, Harvest, Forager and Verdant pottery sherds
added Infinite Spooky Amethyst music disc
added second variant type of Ruins
added second variant type of Deep Ruins and Sculk Ruins
added second variant type of Cherry Ruins
added Birch Forest variants of both Cherry Ruins variant types
added third variant type of End Ruins
Echo Shards can now be used as an armor trim material
added custom Wandering Trader trades, based on those found in the villager trade rebalance experiment, when LaL is used with Villager Config
renamed Ancient Knife to Knife
Knives are now repaired using pottery sherds
Fortress armor is now repaired using netherite scrap
added internal advancements to grant crafting recipes for LaL items
Ruins no longer spawn in Old Growth Birch Forests, however they now spawn in regular Taigas
renamed Underground Remnants to Underground Remains
added 2 more possible Buried Treasure Barrel spawn locations
new Cracked End Stone bricks texture
tweaked Dungeon armor item textures
loot table changes
renamed Sigma_ to Soul_
fixed floating Dungeon armor pixels
structure NBT fixes
refactored most structures to use template pools rather than individual structure files where possible
other misc changes and fixes
Mod Integration
added Maple Forest variants of both Cherry Ruins variant types when LaL is used with Wilder Wild
added Wilder Wild integration
added Progression Reborn integration
added Villager Config integration
Music Notification integration fixes
added config (version 1)
added music_and_melody config
added buried_treasure_rework config
added mod_integration_datapacks config