- Added: Emeralds to miner's backpack.
- Added: Portugese translation by Cassiobsk8.
- Bugfix: Fixed missing localization on Apiarist's Pipe.
- Bugfix: Filter settings on Apiarist's Pipe are saved again.
- Bugfix: The alveary will not eat its inventory contents anymore if one of the slabs covering it is destroyed.
- Updated: BuildCraft integration for 3.2.0pre2+.
- Bugfix: Pick block now works on beehives.
- Bugfix: Stained glass recipe now correctly consumes resources.
- Bugfix: Fixed general raintank derpiness.
- Bugfix: Fixed analyser timer on the stationary beealyzer.
- Bugfix: Fixed several potential crashes related to engines.
- Bugfix: Squeezer will not request power anymore if the product tank is filled.
- Added: Console command to change beekeeping modes. Use "/beekeeping" to display the current and available modes, "/beekeeping [MODE]" to change the mode.
- Added: Console commands to spawn queens, princesses and drones. (Thanks Binnie!)
- Added: Localization for apiarist's pipe.
- Added: Console command to check forestry version and available version. Type "/forestry version" to display it.
- Updated: Russian translation (Mistaqur).
- Bugfix: Fixed issue that caused backpacks not to pick up ingots and ores added via the ore dictionary.
- Bugfix: Removed inadvertent dependency on BuildCraft.
- Bugfix: Fixed issues that prevented the set beekeeping mode to be correctly saved into the world.
- Bugfix: Fixed issue that caused backpack resupply not to work.
- Bugfix: Fixed a gui crash on electrical engines.
- Bugfix: Carpenter now displays "No resource" as error message if a recipe is set but resources are missing.
- Bugfix: Carpenter updates its recipes now correctly when matching liquids are supplied after the recipe.
- Changed: Ash slots on peat-fired engines do not accept inputs anymore.
- Changed: The following slots do not accept input anymore: Waste slots on planters, can output slot and remnant slot on squeezer, can output slot on raintank, can output slot on bottler, product slots on centrifuge.
- Changed: Slots in the apiary only accept matching items now. Output slots do not accept input anymore.
- Bugfix: Fixed a duplication bug with most machines.
- Bugfix: Removed duplicate crating recipes.
- Bugfix: Planters will search all available germling slots for something to plant. (Mistaqur's PR.)
- Bugfix: Fixed an exploit that enabled heating of biogas engines with any liquid.
- Bugfix: Fixed a tiny display issue where some backgrounds on empty inventory slots would be slightly off-colour.
- Bugfix: Fixed a crashbug related to SMP letter gui.
- Added: Mailbox alert, can be disabled in config.
- Added: Config option to clear alleles that have become invalid. Might rescue saves after removing bee addons. (Set genetics.invalid.chromosome.clearing=true to reset invalid chromosomes.)
- Added: Confirmation letters by trade stations to their owners, informing them about buyers and the amount of orders filled.
- Added: Sand can be smelted down directly to liquid glass in thermionic fabricator. Melting point is at 3000�C.
- Added: Bee FX on SMP.
- Updated: Polish and russian translations.
- Changed: Refactored a few things to make bukkit porting easier.
- Bugfix: Juice can now actually be used in a biogas engine.
- Bugfix: Soldering iron recipe now ore-dictionary aware.
- Bugfix: Crating for bronze, copper and tin ore dictionary aware.
- Bugfix: Fixed an issue that caused foresters to not grow tree saplings anymore.
- Bugfix: Opening and closing a letter gui will not overwrite sender information on already sent letters.
- Bugfix: Fixed two dupe bugs with letters.
- Bugfix: Fixed a dupe bug with backpacks.
- Bugfix: Fixed a crash when extracting from a trade station with pipes.
- Changed: Carpenter and Fabricator accept tin/copper/bronze ingots according to the ore dictionary independent of the ingots actually used in the crafting matrix.
- Bugfix: Fixed two duplication glitches with the carpenter.
- Bugfix: Fixed a duplication glitch in the thermionic fabricator.
- Bugfix: Fixed a possible NPE when a letter was sent to trade stations without set tradegood.
- Changed: Extracting from a thermionic fabricator will only consume resources from the internal inventory, but not from the crafting grid.
- Bugfix: Empty species slots on apiarist's pipe do not display a tooltip anymore.
- Bugfix: Stamps in letters do not stack anymore.
- Bugfix: Added a bugfix to prevent a rare crash with harvesters.
- Bugfix: Bounding box on mushrooms in farms now matches those outside farms.
- Added: Fixed error display on fermenter.
- Added: More hints.
- Added: Czech translation courtesy Raccoon5.
- Added: Polish translation courtesy konwboj.
- Added: Cooked pork, chicken, steak, magma cream, eye of ender, fermented spider eye, fish and cooked fish to hunter's backpack.
- Added: Netherwart, pumpkin and melon seeds to forester's backpack.
- Added: Meta information for FML client side.
- Added: Marshy bees as a substitute for meadows bees in swamp biomes, since swamps are classified as damp biomes in vanilla Minecraft.
- Added: Some colour to tooltips of identified bees to make skimming over their properties easier.
- Changed: Pipette not only clears tank slots, but will suck up the contents and can be used to transfer those into other tanks.
- Changed: Machines are now throttled when attached to conductive pipes and cannot be sped up infinitely anymore.
- Changed: Apiarist chest will display the secondary species as "unknown" if the bee has not been analyzed yet. It will condense pure breeds to only display the primary allele.
- Changed: "No recipe" error on bottler, fermenter and centrifuge is now more responsive and does not require the machine to be powered to reset.
- Bugfix: Fixed slow lava leak on biogas engines running on "safe" fuels.
- Bugfix: Apiarist's Backpack now available on SMP.
- Bugfix: Bottler tank now reacts to the pipette.
- Bugfix: Bee statistics are now synched on SMP.
- Bugfix: Still will not trigger hasWork if the ouput tank is full.
- Bugfix: Carpenter will now correctly reset its no recipe error.
- Bugfix: Fixed dupe bugs in beealyzer and habitat locator.
- Bugfix: Forest hives only spawn in biomes with normal humidity.