Bloop just hit 100k downloads!!! Absolutely insane!! I don't have much to say beyond thank you to everyone who has enjoyed this shader since the beginning, to everyone in shaderLabs and the iris discords who have given support and assistance in getting Bloop to this point.
I hope you continue to enjoy this shader as I continue to improve upon this still growing project.
I am currently working on a larger cleanup of Bloops code which should unlock more exciting effects for the nether and the end in the future, as well as optimization opportunies for some of the heavier effects.
I also hope this will allow for better support on funny platforms such as the raspberry Pi 5 enjoyers, igpus and even phones in the future!
Thank you all, and for now, here is a modest update:
Improved the fog system (fog settings coming soon).
water fog now renders correctly behind glass.
water refraction will now refract translucent blocks underwater.
New option to denoise water reflections.
No more weird dark areas on elytras, skeletons etc. all one sided geometry now work correctly with ssao and other effetcs.
Improved distant horizons water rendering.
DH shadows should be slightly less prone to glitches.
Works on Mac silicon again!
PBR reflections work better now.
a ton of bug fixes.
higher fps at default settings!
Colored shadows.
Cleaner shadows.
Improved SSS.
Slightly warmer ambient light.
Better noise for DH.
Adjusted water waves.
LabPBR now has a fallback for packs that assume the shader will do certain effects.
Fixed an issue that broke PBR reflections.
Misc stuff and whatever I might not remember
Fixes some issues and oversights found in 1.2.3
Fog now works properly with transparent objects Fixes an oversight with the new "Textured water" option
fixes an issue where Distant horizons exclusive uniforms could trigger an error when not using Distant horizons.
Fog is now a bit denser as well
Better Beta clouds