✨ New Features
- Add Supreme (commit by @xMikux)84d9030
- Add SlimefunWarfare (commit by @xMikux)6ef6e3b
- Add Glow Berry Juice (commit by @xMikux)
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Slime Armor: Temporary fix doesn't show overlay texture (commit by @xMikux)d3ab63f
- Temporary fix Jetboots texture (Vanilla) (commit by @xMikux)f6b8f99
- fix Invalid PNG (commit by @xMikux)befc179
- add validate ignore (commit by @xMikux)
🔧 Chores
- Change Glow Berry Juice Texture (commit by @xMikux)ee62b2b
- GUI: Remove background of gui icon (commit by @xMikux)dd010ae
- remove unuse next original file (commit by @xMikux)efb4807
- Update to 1.20 (commit by @xMikux)59a1f6b
- Update names to match the slimefun id (PR #30 by @JustAHuman-xD)d3fa57d
- Change validate method (PR #37 by @xMikux)601d112
- Add renovatebot (commit by @xMikux)fd231e3
- deps: update actions/checkout action to v4 (PR #38 by @renovate[bot])9e5870d
- deps: update crazy-max/ghaction-import-gpg action to v6 (PR #39 by @renovate[bot])f7a4df9
- deps: update docker/login-action action to v3 (PR #41 by @renovate[bot])c938aff
- deps: update geekyeggo/delete-artifact action to v5 (PR #42 by @renovate[bot])5042529
- deps: update github artifact actions to v4 (PR #43 by @renovate[bot])cf49d11
- Update contributor and improve workflow (commit by @xMikux)2e8d8dc
- rename workflows (commit by @xMikux)