New Textures
- Klaetius' Word of the Architect hope skin
- All SKR scrolls, materials and currencies
- Portable Gatecharm
- Tarri's Windeater
- Across the Ocean
- Echoes of Ru'Ten
- Merdd's Nullwick Candle
- Loci's Hunger
- Primeval Scale
- Vile Ground
- Nullwick Lantern
- Outsider's Gaze
- Experience Flask
- Blackroot's Path
- Blackroot Fruit
- Shimmering Wave
Bug Fixes
- Fixed some Hexed skins taking priority over hope skins
- gasp97's Pureshard Adze hope skin now has its hooks spread at a wider angle as intended
- Removed some stray white pixels on Final Harvest armor model
- Fixed augment potion textures not working
New Textures
- gasp97's Pureshard Adze hope skin
- Slyyam's (Replica) Plague Bearer's Head hope skin
- BlonZo's Morphic Breaker hope skin
- MaizeandOrange's Silvari Coin hope skin
- NickNackGus' Sliver of Perfection hope skin
- Pakstf's Sword of the Exiled hope skin
- All Celestial Gifts
- Blighted Bugle
- Blighted Path
- Glistering Starblood
- Insightful armor set
- Potion of Alacrity
- Potion of Fortitude
- Potion of Potency
- Radiant Starblight
- Radiant Starblight (Instant)
- Swollen Scales
- Teliko Theama
- Wilting Agent
- Adanartis
- Trembling Root
- Ru'Ten, Devouring Loci
Miscellaneous/Bug Fixes
- 1.20.4 is now labelled the only supported format
- Fixed k1smet0807's Sliver of Perfection hope skin not having its own folder
- Cupid's Bow texture now also applies to Replica Cupid's Bow
New Textures:
- Hexed Prismatic Enigma
- Robes of the Core
- Willowtwist Memory
- Igneous Rune
- Chaparral Circlet
Bug Fixes & Miscellaneous:
- Fixed a ton of log warnings (bad indexes, unused duplicate frames)
- Fixed Copper Furnace missing a frame
- Fixed fastyzoom's God Tamer hope skin missing a frame
- Fixed Slyyam's Abisso Ancestrale hope skin missing a frame
- Fixed Vehemence files being misspelled
- Fixed Purple Tesseract and its upgraded variant missing multiple frames
- Fixed Entcrusher having its entire texture as emissive instead of just the eye
- Fixed 8bitsoda's Sword of the Exiled hope skin missing a frame
- Renamed Monarch's Tear of the Moon hope skin so that it's easier to search for
- Fixed trouble_ghost's Thunder and Tempest hope skin missing a frame
- Fixed White_Ouhuang's Alchemist Bag hope skin causing mipmap issues
- Holy Javelin now also applies to golden_sword
- Mana Lance now also applies to light_blue_candle
- Fixed a button in the Zenith dungeon GUI not working properly on Optifine
- Fixed Skysplitter being off-center in GUI
- Firmament and its hope skins now apply to undyed shulker boxes, which fixes an issue where they wouldn't display with Virtual Firmament enabled while in containers
- Fixed Eomen's Robes not displaying its texture
- All Exalted keys now display the same texture as their base variant
- Fixed the Story SKT button not applying its texture if unselectable
- Moved Hungering Moonbeams files to the correct location
- Fixed H4ikiri's Truest North hope skin not working on Optifine and not having a parent folder
- Added the supported_formats field with versions 1.20.4-1.21.4
- Blackened the inside of the frame at the top of the ability triggers GUI customization page to allow for skill textures
Changelog for v5.4.0
New Textures:
- TheLegend001b's Greyskull's Spellcaster hope skin
- Ian1kv's Stormborn Javelin hope skin
- pnoot's Telum Immoriel hope skin
- Dedemori's Bag of Hoarding hope skin
- Mine_Hinata's Firmament hope skin
- Mine_Hinata's (Replica) Plague Bearer's Head hope skin
- H4iKiri's Truest North hope skin
- k1smet0807's Sliver of Perfection hope skin
- Abyssgazer_Yen's Bouquet of Gold hope skin
- Royal Anklets
- Eomen's Robe
- Dry-Aged Licorice
- Onyx Dagger
- Keeper of the Jungle
- Lordtomb Fragment
- Swiftwood Arrow
- Starmetal Knucklebones
- Shrouded Sabatons
- Winter's Bounty
- CS_Aristotle's Harmony's End hope skin
- Hexed C.A.L.D.E.R. Non-Dimensional Wand
- Will of the Codex
Bug Fixes & Miscellaneous:
- Lightbringer now applies to iron swords as well for cinematic purposes
- Updated the pack_format to 1.20.4
New Textures:
- TheDeathLord3's Carcano 91/38 hope skin
- TheSuperDuper7's Aurora Mirror Hope Skin
- vXynk's Truest North hope skin
- OriTheSpirit's True North hope skin
- Peli's Tesseract of the Body (u) hope skin
- CigarettesAfterS' Worldshaper's Loom hope skin
- Hexed Dreadwood Log
- Hexed Epoch Hammer
- Hexed Resonant Scythe
- Hexed Hyperion
- Hexed Hungering Moonbeams
- Hexed Forgeflame Liquor
- Hexed Mountain's Dew
- Hexed Serebrian Godbrew
- Hexed Prismatic Enigma was not ready for the update and will release later
- Eternal Resolve
- Sporebound Husk
- Automatic Distillery
- Derelict Tablet
- Suzu of Stasis
- Warding Lily
- Aether Threads
- Jungle's Resilience
- Ghostly Eminence
- Elgart's Iridium Buckle
- Vires Terrae
- Emerald Ascension
- Archmage's Femur
- Tweaked Hexed Pureshard Adze
- Remade Bloodlust
- Remade Khrosmos
- Remade Black Sun Brew
- Updated Noellee_'s Iridium Injector hope skin to render the count more accurately
- A large majority of NPCs in the Wolfswood have received generic textures. New Antium NPCs will be coming soon!
- Lady Edmond
Bug fixes/miscellaneous:
- Fixed k1smet0807's Firmament hope skin not working with prismarine enabled
- Fixed the trade gui sometimes clipping with untextured shield models
- Fixed Hexed C.A.L.D.E.R. Non-Dimensional Wand freezing at the wrong frame
- Fixed Gilded Gauntlet being held improperly in left hand
- Fixed Duchess Emmeline's skin not applying to her appearance in a Crown of Majesty
- Plagueroot Clasp is now visible in the left hand
- Box of Endless Echoes now looks like a full block when placed in an item frame
- Added redstone repeater, beetroot soup, mangrove boat, beef, fermented spider eye, iron horse armor, mud brick wall, raw iron, sugar cane and muddy mangrove roots to charm base items
New Textures:
manmonke's Shadowstone Ballista hope skin
Its_Nebz' Epoch Hammer hope skin
k1smet0807's Firmament hope skin
Celestial Gem
Flickering Gem
Shattered Gem
Lifewood Dew
Coven Amulet
Ironwood Vambrace
Leyline Conduit
Fragrant Branch of Fen
Liferoot Sapling
The Knucklebones
Hexcrafted Barrier
Greaves of Sunken Faith
Poisoned Wisteria
Amberlight Seed
Effulgent Fragment
Loci Carving
Covenmourn Rend
Bonedust Brew
Breathtaker Draught
Distilled Bloodrage
Essence of the Obscure
Firewater Fuel
Immovable Libation
Silvertouch Rotgut
Stardancer Ectoplasm
Unquenchable Thirst
Uriddan's Apology
Vial of Empty Stars
Stargazer's Hood
Tome of Epiphany
Last Respects
Hexed Moonscarred Clockblade
Hexed Tolumaeus Gatekey
Hexed Norvigut Skewer
Hexed Final Harvest
Hexed Pureshard Adze
Hexed C.A.L.D.E.R. Non-Dimensional Wand
- Tweaked ellie_creature's Clearcut hope skin
Mobs and NPCs:
- Constellation Construct
Bug Fixes and Miscellaneous:
- Fixed Sludge Stompers not working
- Fixed Gilded Gauntlet being incorrectly mapped
- Fixed QwQ_YingBing's Forgeflame Liquor hope skin being incorrectly displayed when drinking
- Slightly increased the sizes of some fumo skins to make them more in line with the rest (fishy3927's and nip_nop's)
- Fixed various items being located in wrong folders
- Fixed Irrus' Memory being visible in riptide
- Adjusted Sacrosant Necklace's held position
- Fixed Replica Crimson Wool not working
New Textures:
- QwQ_YingBing's Forgeflame Liquor hope skin
- fishy3927's Muranic Urn hope skin
- Azerest's Annilys hope skin
- Laapsap's Shaman's Quiver hope skin
- excellentbear's Frost Giant's Greatsword hope skin
- forte927's Silverthread Raiment hope skin
- TheProGuru's Sliver of Perfection hope skin
- WizV2's Blightblood Falchion hope skin
- taaara's Harmony's End hope skin
- ChromaTK1's Divine Watcher's Sword hope skin
- Homeostatic_Punk's Energized Maelstrom hope skin
- michthemoo's Blackblade Mask hope skin
- Frostbolt
- Irrus' Brace
- Irrus' Memory
- Screamcaller
- Subzero Tomahawk
- Flamekissed Tunic
- Fractured Threads
- Grovewalker Sandals
- Icicle Chains
- Memory of the Star
- Scout's Halfhelm
- Silver Order Shako
- Sludge Stomper
- Tidewalker Rags
- Abnormality
- Aeroblast
- Escape Artist
- Gravity Bomb
- Iron Grip
- Opportunity
- Snowstorm
- Spark of Inspiration
- Thundercloud Form
NPCs and Mobs:
- The Rionnagfaire
- Arcane Aberration
Bug Fixes and Miscellaneous:
- resonate01's Firmament hope skin now works with Virtual Firmament (/vf)
- Fixed fishy3927's Jungle's Requiem displaying gray squares
- Fixed some fumo models being held at different heights in left hand and right hand
- Fixed Celestial Zenith ascension icons being incorrectly colored
- Tweaked Dungeon GUI
- Recolored Marina Noir icons
- Removed pumpkin blur
- Fixed Colossal Creeper not showing its texture
- Fixed quivers having incorrect GUI display
- Fixed Shimmering Amethyst being incorrectly displayed
- Fixed ProbsWinter's Stoneborn Sculptor being located in the ring folder rather than valley folder
- Decreased the item glint transparency to make it less obnoxious on default strength
- Fixed a few log errors
- Adjusted Thunderfox' display
- The wool dungeon quests in the Mainline Quests GUI now display their respective wool's model
- Moved Warwolf595's Heart of the Jungle hope skin down by a pixel
Changelog for v5.0.1:
GUI changes:
- Tweaked the Class Selection GUI's design and buttons
- Tweaked the Trading GUI's design and buttons
- Tweaked the Dungeon/Delve GUI's design and buttons
- Slightly tweaked the Charms GUI's design
New Textures:
- Silver Pauldron
Bug Fixes/Miscellaneous:
- Moved the background items for the Trading GUI to the top to fix weird item highlights
- Fixed the Trading GUI not fully working on classic mode
- Fixed the Trading GUI's page buttons not being textured
- Class and Specialization icons now show in the Mechanical Armory
- Fixed honoka_pitaya's Nihilo Pome hope skin not working
- Fixed fastyzoom's God Tamer hope skin not working
- Potentially fixed fishy3927's Jungle's Requiem hope skin showing a gray square
- Resized Anons_'s Truest North hope skin
- Resized 8bitsoda's Sword of the Exiled hope skin
- Fixed nip_nop's Silverscale Razor hope skin showing incorrect particles
- Fixed Skysplitter being incorrectly sized
- Recolored the green, indigo, red and purple wool models
Changelog for v5.0.0 (based on v4.5.0)
Class Selection GUI:
- Background textures for Class, Skill, Specialization and Triggers menus
- Textures for all skills, specs and buttons
Trading GUI:
- Background textures for the Custom Trading GUI
- Textures for all buttons Note: The Trading GUI currently only works on sleek theme. You can switch to sleek theme in the PEB under Technical Options -> Trading GUI Options -> Theme.
Charms GUI:
- Background texture for the Charms GUI
- Textures for slots, exit and summary
Dungeon GUI:
- Background textures for all Dungeon and Delve GUIs
- Textures for all buttons and delve modifiers
Note: GUI textures can be disabled in a PEB option under Technical Settings or by doing /guitextures
New Textures:
- owo12122's Ire of the Gods hope skin
- HuxelTheBerb's Bonepiercer hope skin
- Lightnest's Corrupted Scalawag's Hatchet hope skin
- Star__Bright's Ire of the Gods hope skin
- Voltegeist's Hrimnir's Frosted Eye hope skin
- excellentbear's Fruit of Life hope skin
- EPIC67890's Primordial Flames hope skin
- Lemon1011's Serebrian Godbrew hope skin
- TheLegend001B's Thundering Legacy hope skin
- fastyzoom's God Tamer hope skin
- Cyanoix' Epoch Hammer hope skin
- NookPlayz' Vermin's Waltz hope skin
- Onion_is_idot's Iridium Crown hope skin
- BlissedYui's Tesseract of the Mind (u) hope skin
- nip_nop's Silverscale Razor hope skin
- Peli's Alchemist's Bag hope skin
- TuesdayShark's Colossal Crusher hope skin
- White_Ouhuang's Alchemist's Bag hope skin
- God_Sword's Iridium Bulwark hope skin
- Melancholiy's Abisso Ancestrale hope skin
- xChocoLata's Fruit of Life hope skin
- MagShadowLight's Cutter of Eons hope skin
- Pandamonium's Nalatia's Galeblade hope skin
- Poythresss' Moonscarred Clockblade hope skin
- Slyyam's Abisso Ancestrale hope skin
- Kaecie's Telum Immoriel hope skin
- pitaya's Nihilo Pome hope skin
- TrainerEevee's Ire of the Gods hope skin
- Klaetius' Iridium Injector hope skin
- TuesdayShark's Telum Immoriel hope skin
- 8bitsoda's Sword of the Exiled hope skin
- Kiocifer's (Replica) Plague Bearer's Head hope skin
- Spy21DD's Forgeflame Liquor hope skin
- Anons_'s Truest North hope skin
- airtank69's Blightblood Falchion hope skin
- ellie_creature's Clearcut hope skin
- Prismatic Enigma
- Novice's Shortsword
- Novice's Shovel
- Novice's Pickaxe
- Sacrosant Necklace
- Starblood Ichor
- Duskroot Legguards
- Flesh without Names
- Eyes of the Loamskattar
- Empty Echoing Steps
- Fidelis Stella
- Wavering Robe
- Galemage's Greaves
- Chains of the Deep
- Axtan Greaves
- Footprints Beneath Void
- Wolfswood's Reach
- Vilepriest Garments
- Whispers of the Blizzard
- Seasoaked Helmet
- Sanguine Greaves
- Tolumaeus Nestfeather
- Clocktower's Blessing
- Silver Dust
- Gift of the Stars
- Boon of the Fractured Tree
- Crystal Canteen
- Chains from Below the Waves
- Cowl of the Coven
- Faimynyw's Call
- Deep Dives Collection
- Eternity Records Collection
- Silvari Set
- Manashield Set
- Phlegethon Visage
- Glacial Cabbage
- Piece of Hate
- Femur of the Blackflame
- Sky Seeker's Grace
- Jungle's Boon
- Heartbeat Decanter
- Aradian Secrecy
- Eternal Savior
- Mallavis
- Veilguard
- Archeologist's Hammer
- Lunatic's Respite
- Shadebound Satchel
- Lunacrestum Pulsar
- Zoetic Geas
- Bottled Font of Tuulen
- Star Charter
- Silvari Blade Handle
- Rune of Apocalypse
- Shadow Mask
- Chaos Codex
- Crucus Gauntlet
- Rune of Dominion
- Archite Chip
- Indigo Blightdust
- Matted Gorefur
- Scoundrel's Appendage
- Silver Emperor's Shadow
- Skysplitter
- Stardancer's Cuirass
- Vermin's Waltz
- The Nightmare's Warden
- Blackblade Mask
- Shadowstone Ballista
- Hyperion
- Timerift Stave
- Celestial Siege
- Norvigut Skewer
- Hexborn Shard
- Ex Nihil
- Nilpotent Spear
- Piggy Bank
- Special Crystalline Chip
- Rigged Crystalline Chip
- Fake Rigged Chip
- Super Rigged Chip
- Fruit of Life cooldown
- Cleansed Blade of Exaltation
- Destroyed Blade of Exaltation
- Nightsky Treads
- Carrier of Festivity colored variants
- Nihilo Pome cooldown
- Sea Daffodil
- Nightshade
- Autumnal Stick
- Ophion
- Precision Strike
- Windswept Combos
- Carrier of Explosions
- Blightblood Falchion
- Serebrian Wristblade
- Blightpod Carapace
- Quickening Bracer
- Roots of Life
- Lamellic Delusion
- Blackblade Mask
- Siegebreaker Boots
- Woolwoven Staff
- Rotting Skullcap
- Hungering Moonbeams
- Vehemence
- Stiletto of the Summoner
- Colored Fire
- Eternal Bloom
- Aspect of the Elements
- Beacon of the Beast
- Conjurant's Beacon
- Insanity's Edge
- Withering Hydrangea
- Bloodbinder
- Witch's Bane
- Holy Relic Blade
- Tuathan Trident
- Slate Shard
- Silver Satchel
- Magna Luna
- Nadir Sporran
- Bottled Wind
- Novice's Battleaxe
- Novice's Bow
- Novice's Wand
- Bismuth Mask
- Abisso Ancestrale
- D.R.E.A.M.
- Monshee's Judgement
- Gladiolus
- Crimson Mage set
- Civit Dagger
- Beacon of the Beast
- Vessel of Souls
- Ironscale Leggings
- Steelscale Leggings
- Updated the generic charm model's held position
- Tweaked Xernial's Silver Knight's Failure hope skin
- Epoch Hammer
- Tweaked Isadora's Justice
- Chip
- Crystalline Chip
Bug Fixes/Miscellaneous:
- Fixed newer ETF and EMF versions breaking villager textures. This means that you can now update your ETF, EMF and Sodium versions to the latest ones safely.
- Readded DarthSpider's C'Axtal's Crusher hope skin
- Readded Neb's Fidget Spinner hope skin
- Readded Pear's Phasing Chestplate hope skin
- Fixed memelord1625's Serebrian Godbrew hope skin not having a cooldown stage
- Fixed various alchemist bags showing as empty in containers
- Added a special model for flower textures
- Fixed Earthbound displaying a torch
- Zenith Talismans now display the same textures as Depths Talismans
- Moved Vain Star slightly up to improve its held position
- Fixed Eshpeon's Truest North sometimes not rendering its texture
- Dayablep's Potion Injector hope skin now applies to all shulker box variants
- Fixed manmonke's Iridium Injector hope skin showing error texture
- Spy21DD's Telum Immoriel colossal skin now applies on hope too
- Fixed Loci Offering being improperly held
- Fixed ImPhoebe831's Aleph hope skin being improperly held
- Fixed Busturus being improperly held
- Fixed Gambler's Cane being improperly held
- Fixed Serenity of the Stars being improperly held
- Fixed Purified Claw being improperly held
- Fixed an incorrect pixel on tier 4 epic charm placeholder
- Adjusted Mouth of the Mimic's animation
- Adjusted Harmonic Wrath's animation
- Fixed trouble_ghost's Thunder and Tempest hope skin using the wrong source model
- Fixed noodlas' Cutter of Eons hope skin using the wrong source model
Originally released April 1, 2024 for April Fools
New Textures:
- Added custom GUI textures for the Class Selection, Trading, Market and Orin menues!
- owo12122's Ire of The Gods hope skin
- Lemon1011's Serebrian Godbrew hope skin
- Lightnest's Corrupted Scalawag's Hatchet hope skin
- TuesdayShark's Colossal Crusher hope skin
- Peli's Alchemist Bag hope skin
- NookPlayz' Vermin's Waltz hope skin
- HuxeltheBerb's Bonepiercer hope skin
- Onion_is_idiot's Iridium Crown hope skin
- Chains from Below the Waves
- Cowl of the Coven
- Footprints Beneath Void
- Norvigut Skewer
- Sanguine Greaves
- Seasoaked Helmet
- Silver Dust
- Bloodbinder
- Witch's Bane
- Holy Relic Blade
- Tuathan Trident
- Vilepriest Garments
- Scoundrel's Appendage
- Skysplitter
- Vermin's Waltz
- Shadowstone Ballista
- Hyperion
- Timerift Stave
- Ophion
Remade/Tweaked Textures:
- Remade Abisso Ancestrale
- Remade Epoch Hammer
- Tweaked Isadora's Justice
- Remade Argentum Arbitrium
- Remade Frost Giant's Crown
- Remade Sword of the Exiled
Bug Fixes & Miscellaneous:
- Fixed trouble_ghost's Thunder and Tempest hope skin using the wrong source model
- Fixd noodlas' Cutter of Eons hope skin using the wrong source model
- Added Zenith talismans
- Removed an accidental pixel on Caduceus
- Fixed Consuming Blight not showing its texture
- Added a handful custom sounds
- Updated Arcane Crystal's base item
- Updated Spectral Maravedi's base item
- Added images of various cats owned by rp team members
- Improved textures of items with multitool to better show which state they're in
- Added a custom starting screen
- Fixed Busturus being improperly held
- Fixed Gambler's Cane being improperly held
- Fixed Serenity of the Stars being improperly held
- Fixed Purified Claw being improperly held
- Added placeholder textures for various items, blocks and particles
- Fixed an incorrect pixel on the Tier 4 Epic Charm placeholder
- Clarified various death messages to better convey the causes of deaths
- Enchantment glint is now less obnoxious on default glint strength
- Adjusted Mouth of the Mimic's animation
- Adjusted Harmonic Wrath's animation
- Fixed ImPhoebe831's Aleph Hope Skin being improperly drawn in left hand
NPCs & Mobs:
- Added some placeholder mob textures and models
- Remade Eldrask
- Remade Kaul (will not take priority over Kauletta)
- Tweaked the animations of some mobs
- me when I'm albert
Originally released December 16, 2023
New Textures:
- All new Depths/Zenith ability icons
- All 3 Celestial Zenith keys
- CTelsket's Remnant of the Rose Hope Skin
- weekendtech's Hrimnir's Frosted Eye Hope Skin
- Alittar's Homestead Hope Skin
- Lucilite's Iridium Bulwark Hope Skin
- Venkleftis' Argentum Arbitrium Hope Skin
- Noodlas' Cutter of Eons Hope Skin
- Nebz' The Vedha's Soulcrusher Hope Skin
- hypeace's God Tamer Hope Skin
- memelord1625's Serebrian Godbrew Hope Skin
- InAfrica's Sliver of Perfection Hope Skin
- Heart Stopper
- The Watcher
- Moonscarred Clockblade
- Tolumaeus Gatekey
- Courage of the Rampart
- Silverscale Razor
- Luck of the Draw
- Unstable Reactor
- Infernal Izarra
- Protomartyr Remains
- Split Tincture
- Six-Pronged Sea Stone
- Sulfuric Threads
- Sulfuric Robes
- Trueking Chains
- Mystic Snowshoes
- Envoy of Dreams
- Starbound Talon
- Herald’s Cruelty
- Swiftshield Tincture
- Empowered Swiftshield Tincture
- Bismuth Mask
- Delicious Fruit
- Colossal Cognac
- Grand Prize Ticket
- Dichen Mutton Pie
- Spiced Mandrake
- Wolfberry Bunch
- Ancient Shadowstone
- Sand Dollar
- Abyssal Truncheon
- Silver Priest's Wand
- Stargazer's Wrap
- Consuming Blight
- Vain Star
Remade/Tweaked Textures:
- Topographic Curse Sensor
- Snowberry Jam
- Swordberry Bunch
- Riftbolt Stave
Bug Fixes & Miscellaneous:
- Added Indigo Wool model
- Fixed Ember of Trepidation not showing its model
- Fixed Infernal Sabatons using the wrong base item
- Fixed Veilis_Bluedron's Frost Giant's Crown Hope Skin not displaying its icon texture
- Added a new "long_shield" model
- Separated 4px and 3px arms villager skins into 2 models
- Charms can now use honeycomb_block diamond_sword sweet_berries polished_deepslate_wall ink_sac echo_shard dead_bush shears netherite_ingot music_disc_5 warped_fungus raw_gold_block cyan_dye rabbit_hide brown_glazed_terracotta dried_kelp music_disc_ward as base items
NPCs and Mobs:
Duchess Emmeline
Willowroot Burster
Vesperidys' Eyes
Originally released November 15, 2023
New Textures:
- Xernial's Fleshbreaker Hope Skin
- Noellee_'s Iridium Injector Hope Skin
- memelord1625's Mountain's Dew Hope Skin
- spoopykay's Hollow Gladius Hope Skin
- fishy3927's Jungle's Requiem Hope Skin
- Added Shaman charm placeholders
- Aquiren's Boots
- Timepiece Plate
- Circuit Breaker
- Energized Enclosure
- Eastern Winds
- The Olive Branch
- Morphic Shield
- Corrupted Morphic Shield
- Silver Vestment
- Coven Scythe
- Shade Hunter's Scythe
- Frosted Scythe
Bug Fixes and Miscellaneous:
- Iron Golems no longer show the error texture when using Optifine or CEM
- CreepTNT's Frost Giant's Crown Hope Skin now applies to the account Veilis_Bluedron as well
- Alchemist's Bag Hope Skins now displays in containers
- Fixed Owopineplayer's Harrakfar's Claw Hope Skin having incorrect left hand display
- darknee's Journey's End skin now displays it's texture
- Any NPC with "Calder" in their name will no longer display Calder's Skin
- Fixed a missing pixel in Bag of Hoarding
- Tweaked the Placeholder Tier 4 charm textures slightly
- Tweaked Alchemist charm placeholders
- Added lightning_rod, slime_ball, podzol, popped_chorus_fruit, green_candle, iron_nugget, bubble_coral, honey_bottle, blackstone_wall, observer, wooden_sword, coal, furnace and nautilus shell as base items for placeholder charms
NPCs and Mobs:
- Salieri
- Squire Aaron now uses the same skin as Squire Reggie and Squire Firwold
Originally released on Oct 23, 2023
New Textures:
Pyreborne Spear
Helmet of Greed
Embers of Thori'dal
Uriddan's Legacy
Serebrian Lineage
Roots of the Fen
Rivers of Blood
Dawn's End
Silent Night
Horrific Lullaby
Midday Harbinger
Dreamer's Fang
Shard of the Dreamer
Nox Sacramentum
Ornamental Dream Catcher
Nightmare Conqueror
Slasher's Hood, Robe, Belt and Binds
Thalassic Cinders
Treads of the Hungerer
Hycenea's Chains
Resilient Growth
Soulleather Bag
Warden's Satchel
Brimstone Alembic
Bag of Balance
Protean Glass
Nightbarb Flask
ImPhoebe831's Aleph Hope Skin
F_lare's Tesseract of the Soul (u) Hope Skin
CS_Aristotle's Prismatic Blade Hope Skin
Felinkaa's Mountain's Dew Hope Skin
White_Ouhuang's Mechanical Armory Hope Skin
BlonZo's The Earthshaker Hope Skin
Alan_Is_Bored's Dreadwood Log Hope Skin
MatixD26's Alchemist's Bag Hope Skin
mscr_'s The Vedha's Soulcrusher Hope Skin
owopineplayer's Harrakfar's Claw Hope Skin
I_Vuken_I's Titan Spear Hope Skin
Homeostatic_Punk's Memoria Ancestrale Hope Skin
er3222's Harmonic Cap Hope Skin
darknee's Journey's End Hope Skin
Remade / Tweaked Textures:
Tenebra, Tenebris and Memoria Ancestrale
Silverthread Raiment
Frodian Keyblade
Infernal Katar
Forbidden Fruit of Ta'Ksaav
Bag of Hoarding
Updated trouble_ghost's hopeskin
Adjusted Dreadwood Log's held position in first person
Adjusted Abisso Ancestrale's held position in third person (model large -> larger)
Tweaked Kiocifer's Hrimnir's Frosted Eye texture
Oneiro Mavros no longer blocks your vision while loaded
Dread Admiral's Hat is now dyeable
Adjusted Echo of the Beast's animation speed
Bug Fixes and Miscellaneous:
Alchemist's Bag now displays different textures depending on how full it is
Contorting Blade now displays the correct texture, instead of using Masked's Black Knife
Thunderous Greaves now display its texture when equipped
Primordial Fang now displays its texture
Ventleaf now displays its texture
Fixed Family-Sized Roast Chicken properties missing a - and properties named incorrectly
Arcane Tincture now displays its model
Silvari Coin and Ancestral Sigil are no longer tinted gray
Moved all the Embers of Thori'dal mats (decayed/primordial fang, chickens and ventleaf) from
Removed experimental models
Removed unnecessary model from Lemon's Stormblessed Greatspear hope skin
Moved the source model of manmonke's Iridium Injector hope skin to the proper location, making it work
forte's Heart of the Jungle hope skin no longer displays a giant torch when on cooldown
Death's Gaze no longer has an arrow visually pre-loaded in it
Moved the Gallery of Fear armour from
The Parrot Bell GUI now displays parrot textures again
Slight tweak to making glass panes in GUIs invisible
Placeholder Charms now display textures if their base item is Horn Coral Fans, Leads or Lanterns
All of mscr's hope skins now apply to the account mscr_ as well
Fixed Esciura's Sliver of Perfection hope skin having incorrect rotation in left hand
Colossus of Entropy is no longer hollow
Dreadnaught of Subjugation now displays its texture
Observing a Tuathan (only the Seanchaidh for now) no longer causes every other human villager to lose their head
Tuathans no longer disconnect their heads from their necks to look up and down at people
Tuathans no longer have a floating torso
The Seanchaidh is no longer hollow
Infernal of Trepidation now displays its model
NPCs and Mobs:
Silver Construct
The Silver Knight Skin has been updated to reflect the new design (Thanks Samsam!)
New Textures:
- memelord1625's Forgeflame Liqour
- trouble_ghost's Thunder and Tempest
- gts2m's Myrahg's Pestilence
- owo12122's King's Warden
- MagShadowLight's Heart of the Jungle
- emmyyxoxo's Mountain's Dew
- starstencahl's Remnants of Isharist
- Pandamonium's Fruit of Life
- Jillzippy's Myrahg's Pestilence
- Paperbox's Serebrian Godbrew
- Forte's Heart of the Jungle
- Lemon's Stormblessed Greatspear
- Michi4171's Cutter of Eons
- GalacticAC's God Tamer
- Eshpeon's Truest North
- manmonke's Iridium Injector
- Kiocifer's Hrimnir's Eyeball
- All 45 Architect's Ring Fish
- Replica Orb of Harrakfar
- Tidebound Arbalest
- Miner's Lament
- Immortal Flame
- Primordial Treads
- Laboratory Apron
- Dueling Hammer
- Windblessed Armor Set
- Snowblossom Armor Set
- Dendweller's Spear
- Shroud of the Lost
- Baxeico
- Frigid Rupture
- Basil Leaf
- Aspiration
- Gillman's Claw
- Seafoam Cap
- Viridis Construct
- Phantom Flintlock
- Sands of Ishnir
- Twilight Stalker Armor Set
- Thunderous Greaves
- Mask of the Sealed
- Sodden Sanddals
- Soulmire Walkers
- Boomwoven Vines
- Hellshire's Legguards
- Apportation Rune
- Knick-Knack Sack
- Arcane Tincture
- Scarlet Haze
- Heart of Dread
- Blackblood Dagger
- Explosive Shard
- Gears of the King
- Silver Blade
- Seafarer's Rapier
- Ravenous Haze
- Peakborn Windchime
- Eschar Dreamcatcher
- Spearpoint Shoot
- Wolfswood's Rage
- Wolfswood's Fury
- Heretical Ore
- Godtree Carving
- Contorting Blade
- Deathly Piece of Eight
- Fading Horizon
- Brine's Gambit
- Dreadwood Log
- Caduceus
- Death's Gaze
- Oneiro Mavros
- Iron Pipe
- Rusty Pipe
- Thunderous Greaves
- Decayed Fang
- Primordial Fang
- Ventleaf
- Hefty Roast Chicken
- Family Sized Roast Chicken
- Gigantic Roast Chicken
- Dragonscale Greaves
- Looming Demise
- Duskborn Graft
- Stoneward Armor Set
- Spectral Loincloth
Remade / Tweaked Textures:
- Abisso Ancestrale
- Blade of the Lost
- Cracked Pocketwatch
- Blackblood Shard
- Silver Knight's Armor set
- True Ice Pendant
- Pressure Gauntlet
- Fury of the Storm
- Mage Hunter's Mask
- Phantom Flintlock
- Air-Purified Thresher
- Harmonic Wrath
- Stormblessed Greatspear
- Crest of the Covetous
- Creation
- Pelias' Greaves
Bug Fixes and Miscellaneous:
- Removed 3 very old hope skins from players who were banned or quit (Deneb, DarthSpider, Pear)
- weekendtech's hope skins now support their new UUID
- Fixed Lantern of Truth
- EX Magenta Explorer's Hat and Galoshes now use same texture as the regular versions
- Fixed Spectral Halberd not showing on diamond shovel base items
- Fixed Unbound Leggings using the wrong icon
- Fixed Pelias' Greaves legs being off by 4 pixels
- Fixed Potion of Endurance and Potion of Perseverance sharing the same texture
- Fixed Sanguine Tendon using same texture as Bloodhound Crest
- Enchantment glint is now re-enabled as you can now adjust it in settings as of 1.19
NPCs and Mobs:
- Colossus of Calamity
- Scarface Ed
- Dream Beast Armor set
- Newborn Island
- Sky Whale
- Blood Titan
- Infernal Armor Set
- Infernal Katar
- Infernal Tome
- Infernal Gauntlet
- Infernal of Greed
- Infernal of Trepidation
- Hydraling
- Captain Xeno
- Albert
- Dreadnaught of Subjugation
- The Seanchaidh