Minecraft: Java Edition
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The Special Edition (SE) version of this pack uses an Optifine feature called Custom Sky to change the skybox texture.
As an alternative to Optifine, you can choose one of these two options
Forge: ForgeSkyboxes (alongside the MCPPPP tool)
Fabric: FabricSkyboxes (combined with the FabricSkyboxes Interop addon mod)
Having issues?
- Make sure you have these settings: Video Settings > Quality > Custom Sky : ON
- For Non-OptiFine users: Make sure you are using the tool or addon mod that I have provided alongside the mods
If you ask a question that's already answered in the spoiler below, I will most likely ignore it.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: Can you make a version for 1.XX ? / The pack is warning me that it's made for another version of Minecraft.
A: No, also don't worry. Better Bedwars is intended to work on all versions of the game, the only requirement is that it is a version after 1.8.9 and if using the Special Edition (SE) that you are using a compatibile version of OptiFine. So, feel free to play on whatever version you are most comfortable with, including the most recent version as this pack is always tested on both versions 1.8.9 and the most recent Minecraft release to check for any possible combatibility issues. Don't worry about the version warning!
Q: Can you make a Bedrock port?
A: Possibly in the future. It's not as easy as you would think to make a port for Bedrock, as folder structure and filenames differ between the two. If you are interested in a Bedrock port, then I would suggest joining the Discord so you can recieve information about a possible Bedrock port and consider becoming a Server Booster so that you can get early access to my texture packs before they release.
Q: Can you add _________ to Better Bedwars?
A: Most likely not. I work and add new stuff to Better Bedwars at my own pace and when I feel that it is necessary. However, if you do have any request or suggestions, feel free to leave a comment or say something in the Discord.
Q: What is the difference between the regular version and the Special Edition (SE)?
A: The regular version and the Special Edition (SE) are fairly similar except for a few differences, which are listed below
- Soft red hearts instead of the regular yellow ones
- Watermelon hungerbar instead of the regular potato hungerbar
- Red settings background instead of the regular yellow one
- Red Better Bedwars bed instead of the regular yellow-colored one (These bed textures can only be seen if playing on a version prior to 1.12)
- Custom Skybox
Q: Why can I not see the custom skybox on the Special Edition (SE) version of the pack?
A: This can occur when you haven't installed the Optifine Mod correctly, or when Custom Sky is not enabled in Video Settings. The required settings are as follows:
Video Settings > Quality > Custom Sky: ON
A: This can also happen with using some 3rd party clients.
A: Also make sure you're using the right Optifine version.
Q: Is there a way to use Better Bedwars: Special Edition (SE) without OptiFine?
A: Better Bedwars: Special Edition (SE) requires Optifine for features like Custom Sky to work. If you don't want to use OptiFine, but still want to use the Special Edition (SE) version of the pack, then you can use some OptiFine Custom Sky alternative mods like ForgeSkyboxes (along with a tool called MCPPPP which is needed in order to convert this pack to use FSB formatted skies) or FabricSkyboxes (combined with the FabricSkyboxes Interop addon mod). Keep in mind that this pack has not been tested with these mods and conflicts could arise.
Q: I found a bug/issue with Better Bedwars. What should I do?
A: Create a ticket on the Discord server
Terms of Use:
Better Bedwars: Terms & Conditions
- By using this texture pack, you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions
- ColinMcCloud is the creator and copyright owner of this texture pack and its logo
- These terms are subject to change at any time
- These terms only apply if you intend to use the texture pack in your own content you want to share publicly
- The terms listed on the official CurseForge, Modrinth, and PlanetMinecraft pages, supersede any license, readme, or terms/conditions information provided anywhere else, including in the texture pack files
- If you use assets from this texture pack in your own, credit is required. Preferably including its name and a link to the official CurseForge, Modrinth, or PlanetMinecraft page
- The creator has the final say about which terms apply to your use of this texture pack and its assets
With this texture pack, YOU MAY:
- modify the texture pack if it's for personal use only, meaning you cannot share it publicly
- include this texture pack in your mod pack or server
- use this texture pack in forms of content such as videos, live streams, and blog posts (with appropriate credit; preferably including its name and a link to the official CurseForge, Modrinth, or PlanetMinecraft page by putting it in the description or by leaving a pinned comment)
- use an edited version of this texture pack in forms of content such as videos, live streams, and blog posts (the same terms regarding appropriate credit apply here as well)
With this texture pack, YOU MAY NOT:
- redistribute this texture pack
- port this texture pack or its assets to work on Minecraft Bedrock Edition
- include unedited assets in your own texture pack, unless you have permission from the creator
- earn money using remixed, transformed, and built-upon assets in your own texture pack
- include assets from this texture pack in a paid product or paid access to a product, unless you have permission from the creator