I'm back!
Tested for 1.20.6
Fixed a bug with scaffolding
Fixed a bug with chest clipping without armor.
Fixed a some wierd bugs with crouching.... again...
Now updated for minecraft 1.20.5
Tested with all other available 1.20.5 mods
Made some changes to the falling animation to use new variables
This version was supposed to be release 9.2 but got pushed to 10.0 due to 1.20.5 drop
Fixed a critical bug with 3d skin layers.
Fixed the swimming animation.
Fixed boat falling.
Readded the falling animation using new variables from emf v2.0
THIS PACK REQUIRES THE USE OF v2.0 emf and v6.0 etf or higher
Removed falling animation due to multiple people saying its broken rn
A smaller update
--> Removed custom attack animations cause they were broken
--> Removed obselete pack.mcmeta code
--> Removed obselete code left over from v6
Refixed crouching once again..... sigh......
Added a slight head bop while running.
Fixed a minor glitch with swimming from v7.1
Fixed an old bug with hand alignment for the slim model.
Adjusted the body bop while running.
Improved swimming animation
--> Makes this pack completely compatible with almost all other animation mods (check bottom of description for info)
--> This pack is now supported on all versions from 1.18 to 1.20.4
--> It is also tested and works on both forge and fabric
Almost fully compatible with all other animation mods, besides other mods that add cem player anime and other full animation mods.
Synced changes for all the normal model players!
Improves performance, and fixes a bunch of small bugs relating to the normal player model
Remade the model once again, fixes some alignment bugs and minor issues.
Also a step towards mod compatibility!
Replaced 1.16.5 with 1.18
Porting turn and the falling animation has been refined