Additive 1.15.4 Changelog
1.19.4 now has basically every feature, except for Enhanced Block Entities (which may take a while to update)
- Entity Model Features (≥1.19.3)
- LambDynamicLights (1.19.4)
- Updated Fabric Language Kotlin, MemoryLeakFix, Fastload, OptiGui, Very Many Players, Concurrent Chunk Management Engine, Fabric API, Yet Another Config Lib, Quilt Standard Libraries
- Custom Entity Models, replaced by Entity Model Features (≥1.19.3)
Additive 1.15.3 Changelog f3fe230
1.19.4 and 1.19.3 have almost every mod and are now considered stable releases! Many other mod updates in this version as well.
- FastQuit for quitting worlds instantly, while saving in the background
- FastQuit config to disable toasts from the mod
- Custom Entity Models, CIT Resewn, Continuity (1.19.4)
- Continuity (1.19.3)
- Updated Memory Leak Fix, Continuity, Concurrent Chunk Management Engine, More Culling, Entity Texture Features, Very Many Players, ImmediatelyFast, LambdaBetterGrass, OptiGui
- Fix Capes mod hash
- Fabric 0.14.17 >> 0.14.18
- Fabric 0.14.14 >> 0.14.18 (1.17.1)
- Quilt 0.18.5 >> 0.18.6
- Temporarily removed MemoryLeakFix from Quilt 1.18.2, FastLoad from 1.19.4