Minecraft: Java Edition
Supported environments
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Licensed CC-BY-4.0
Published last year
Updated last month
This is a modpack that is entirely dedicated to my mod AchieveToDo and also added various mods that improve achievement hunting.
- AntiGhost [GitHub]
- Better Mount HUD [GitHub]
- BetterF3 [GitHub]
- Blur [GitHub]
- Boat Break Fix [GitHub]
- Concurrent Chunk Management Engine [GitHub]
- Capes [GitHub]
- CIT Resewn [GitHub] (1.20.4 by dicedpixels)
- Cloth Config API [GitHub]
- Continuity [GitHub]
- CursorCentered Fix [GitHub]
- CustomHud [GitHub]
- Dark Loading Screen [GitHub]
- Disable Custom Worlds Advice [GitHub]
- Debugify [GitHub]
- Dynamic FPS [GitHub]
- Enhanced Block Entities [GitHub]
- Entity Culling [GitHub]
- Exordium [GitHub]
- ExtraSounds [GitHub] (1.20.4 by lonefelidae16)
- Fabric API [GitHub]
- Fabric Language Kotlin [GitHub]
- FabricSkyboxes [GitHub]
- Falling Leaves [GitHub]
- FerriteCore [GitHub]
- FixBookGUI [GitHub]
- Indium [GitHub]
- Iris Shaders [GitHub]
- Krypton [GitHub]
- LambDynamicLights [GitHub]
- Language Reload [GitHub]
- LibJF [JfGit]
- Lithium [GitHub]
- Main Menu Credits [GitHub]
- Model Gap Fix [GitHub]
- Mod Menu [GitHub]
- More Culling [GitHub]
- No Resource Pack Warnings [GitHub]
- Real Arrow Tip [GitHub]
- Reese's Sodium Options [GitHub]
- Respackopts [JfGit]
- Remove Reloading Screen [GitHub]
- Screenshot to Clipboard [GitHub]
- Shulker Box Tooltip [GitHub]
- ShutUpDeadEntities [GitHub]
- Sodium [GitHub]
- Sodium Extra [GitHub]
- Textile Backup [GitHub]
- XYZBook [GitHub]
- Your Options Shall Be Respected [GitHub]
- Zoomify [GitHub]
Data Packs
- BlazeandCave's Advancements Pack [PMC]
- BlazeandCave's Advancements Pack Hardcore version [PMC]
- BlazeandCave's Advancements Pack Terralith version [PMC]
- BlazeandCave's Advancements Pack Amplified Nether version [PMC]
- BlazeandCave's Advancements Pack Nullscape version [PMC]
- Terralith [GitHub] [PMC]
- Amplified Nether [GitHub] [PMC]
- Nullscape [GitHub] [PMC]
Resource Packs
- BACAP Language Pack
- Better Banner Pattern [PMC]
- Better Waxed Copper [PMC]
- Centered Crosshair Fix
- Centered Stone Bricks
- Colorful Sheared Sheep
- CTM Overhaul
- Default Dark Mode [GitHub]
- Fast Better Grass [GitHub]
- Fixed Barrel
- Fixed Hardcore Absorption Hearts
- Map Marking Fix
- Minimal Rain & Snow
- Nether Bricks Fix
- No Z-Fighting
- Translations for Sodium [GitHub]
- Trap Door Fix
- Unique Enchanted Books [CurseForge]
- Visual Fish Buckets [CurseForge]
- Visual Goat Horns [CurseForge]
- Visual Potions [GitHub]
- What Painting I'm Looking At? [PMC]
- YetAnotherGlint [GitHub]
💛 Support the development of this modpack!
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Thank you very much for your support!