- Heavy Spears will now return to you, as long as you're not sneaking.
- Heavy Spears will no longer drop as an item if you are in creative mode.
- Changed attack values of all 4 dimension whatever weapons.
- Fixed Wolf Intoxicator advancement description
- Made the bark weapon a little bigger
- Added self hatred and murderous thoughts to the game 😲😲
The Heavy Spear's melee attack now does more damage to entities in water or the rain, replicating the impaling enchantment, as well as applying the hunger effect if so.
The Formless Multitool can now be placed in weapon racks
Added various mod compatibilities using some tags.
- Especially with entities immune to the Redstone Agitator.
- What I mean is, I can't define a living entity in Fabric MCreator, so I had to list off every single entity for said tag.
The Werewrath will no longer overtake fluids with paint.
- It will instead now replace a fluid if there is a non-solid block next to it that is not a fluid.
- Example: Exploding it on the surface of a lake will only have paint cover the surface.
Made the paint more cyan.
Wolf Blue Paint will no longer dry out if it's in the rain or touching a fluid.
Added the Dimensional Extractor block
- It can be powered by placing various replications underneath of it (There is only one newly added replication so far)
The Ornate Sword recipe has been slightly altered and replaced. It now crafts a new tool, the Formless Multitool.
- Right click a Formless Multitool on the top of an active Dimensional Extractor with a specific weapon in your off-hand to get unique weapons, depending on the replication you use. (Once again, there's only one for now)
Those new weapons are as follows:
- Ornate Sword
- Ceremonial Sword
- Heavy Spear
- "Bark"
The Ceremonial Sword knocks back entities hit with it, a lot more than normal.
The Heavy Spear can be thrown like a trident, but there's no way to make it return to you.
The "Bark" will anger wolves in the area and make them go after whatever you attacked. (This was previously on the Ornate Sword, but it has been moved over to this weapon.)
The Ornate Sword no longer angers wolves, but can still be used to extract certain recources from mobs, because it's magical or some crap. (Currently, only vindicators drop something)
- Fixed the Teletoxicate enchantment triggering on melee attacks during the attack item cooldown of the weapon.
- Added water particles that appear when a Werewrath explodes.
- Changed the textures of the paint blocks to be brighter.
- Agitator Remotes no longer check if the Redstone Agitator its locked onto is there anymore every tick. This is because there is a client side bug where it obviously doesn't see it if you move far away, so it visually removes the location.
- Every single entity no longer spawns anger particles after a Redstone Agitator goes off near them. Some entities like non-living ones.
- Right clicking an Agitator Remote on a Redstone Agitator will now force load the chunk it's in using a command. Using the remote or unsetting the location will remove the forceload.
- Added the Werewrath, which is a bomb like the Bonesburrier, only spreading cyan paint instead. It will dry out, and can be crafted to make it fresh and never dry out.
- Added the Redstone Agitator. When powered, every entity in range of it will take 0 damage but still be hurt. Neutral mobs will go after the closest player to the block.
- Added the Agitator Remote, which can be locked onto Redstone Agitators and remotely activate them from long distances.
- Wolf Intoxicators now have green sneeze particles when attacking something.
- Hopefully fixed my enchantments appearing on the wrong weapons in villager trades (With the Enchancement mod)
- I fixed it by making the enchantments a "trident type" instead of a "weapon type"
- If this doesn't fix it, then I'd recommend Enchancement fixing that, because I didn't see any kind of tag to disable it from appearing in those trades.
- Fixed some damage tags, including accidentally using "bypasses_invulnerability" instead of "bypasses_cooldown" which made my damage types immune to totems of undying.
- Added the Teletoxicate enchantment, which goes on Wolf Intoxicators.
- Fixed the advancement "Leggings of Swiftness" being called "Chestplate of Swiftness"
- Wolf Cookies are now crafted with Bone Meal.
- Fixed the Gale enchantment from the enchancement mod not working with Corroded Silver Boots. I have no idea why it would break, but at least my crap fix makes it work.
- Added the Michael Plush
- Added the Ender Dragon Plush
- Right clicking the block while around an Ender Dragon will give you Strength 3
- Added the Wolf Cookie, made with 1 wheat, 3 sugar, and 1 milk bucket.
- Fixed armor abilities not functioning properly
- Did you know that if you buy a Property in Egypt, what they do for you is they give you the property?