- Removed
config and mixin to have more compatibility with other mods (like Apotheosis).
- Added 3 new configs related to [Researcher] and similar skills' enchanting - Ignored in Creative Mode.
- maxResearcherBonus: How many levels that Researcher and similar skills can go above the maximum level of an enchantment. - Default: 2.
- blacklist: Lists of enchantments that Researcher and similar skills cannot learn or enchant.
- maxLevelExceedingBlacklist: Lists of enchantments that Researcher and similar skills cannot learn or enchant above the enchantment's maximum level.
- [Rimuru Mode] now also has [Physical Attack Resistance].
Bugs Fixing:
- Researcher enchanting can be exploitable with modded packets.
- Skills didn't cost any Magicule when plundered while already available for learning.
- [Water Manipulation/Domination]'s Water Breath doesn't work even when the user has a Water Spirit.
- Salamander Self-destruct doesn't make the summoning magic's cooldown go away.
- Other minor changes.
- Transformation skills -
[Divine Berserker], [Royal Beast], [Berserk], [Ogre Berserker], [Beast Transformation], [Dragon Mode] and Magic Elemental Transforms
now will gain mastery points just from being in that transformation. - [Possession]'s limited stats (config) now won't get applied when players possess their own bodies.
- Added some new configs about despawning TR projectiles.
- Increased the default spawn rate config for Otherworlders, Orc Lords and Tempest Wolves.
Bugs Fixing:
- [Gluttony] & [Predator] doesn't obtain skills from eating projectiles when requirement met.
- Resistances become unlearnable after resetting while toggled on.
- Players sometimes become invulnerable and untargetable by mobs after crashing/logging-out while choosing race.
- Other minor changes.
- Charybdis Core now can be instantly picked up (without dropping on the ground) by shift/crouch right-clicking with empty hand.
Bugs Fixing:
- [Divine Berserker] didn't get removed from default skill pool in default config.
- [Reaper] doesn't update/half EP when changing size.
- [Degenerate], [Lust] and similar abilities remove beneficial skill effects.
- Clones/Subordinates death by Elemental Collossus gives the owner the "Just a Test" advancement.
- Tamed Folgen spams spawning Knights upon summoning from Shadow Storage.
- Sometimes harmful effects can be applied inside OPAC claims.
- Other minor changes.
- Skills that steals big chunk of EP but only for the first targets (like Predator, Gourmet, Reaper,...) now won't steal those EP (still deal damage or insta-kill, just not gain additional EP) if they are a temporary skill to avoid exploitation.
- Now if a player use subordinates to kill Collossus, the credit of passing the test is now granted to the player.
Bugs Fixing:
- [Sloth]'s Rest doesn't disable Flight.
- [Mathematician] doesn't boost Mastery speed.
- Dupe related to [Shadow Motion]'s Shadow Storage.
- Resistances don't reset properly after Reseting.
- Other minor changes.
- Settings UI revamped.
- Engravings like Holy Coat, Magic Interference, etc. that get automatically added into a gear of certain material type now give 0 Exp from Grindstone.
- Resistance now will become learnable again when the skill is removed by any reason (mostly Possession) so players will still be able to learn them later.
- Battewills' Magic/Aura Bullets now are semi-transparent to the user for better aiming.
- Hinata now won't pick up items on the ground.
Bugs Fixing:
- [Researcher] and [Godly Craftsman] can't enchant when the amount of XP that the user has is too high.
- Dying/Crashing while race reseting keeps your race and EP.
- Setting
for Direwolf config doesn't spawn the Star wolf. - One mob/player can be named by multiple namers all at once.
- Spiritual beings' Physical damage resist is flipped. (Immune to none Physical instead of immune to Physical)
- Tamed mobs dont regen weapons EP after fighting something else.
- Other minor changes.
- [Divine Berserker] is now an Intrinsic Skill for Divine Fighter race and now got removed from the default skill pool for Reincarnation.
- [Degenerate] now can't make Engravings exceed their max level.
- [Godly Craftsman] now can't put Engravings on books.
- [Haki]'s Coat, [Magic Aura] and [Cook] now can do more damage to Spiritual beings (including Hinata in Last Phase) with Physical Damage.
- Added
tensura get awakening
commands. - Added some Permission nodes for servers.
- Vampire's Bats mode now won't show the particle to the user to avoid view blocking.
Bugs Fixing:
- [Chosen One] and [Villain]'s Charisma doesn't work.
- Charybdis Armor evolves to Adamantite at 1M EP instead of the intended value of 225k EP.
- Hinata doesn't give Kill points when killed with Spiritual Attack or Energy Drain.
- Some mobs can push back Creative/Spectator players.
- Other minor changes.
- [Hellfire] now has 5s cooldown (3s with Mastery).
- Ghast now only has [Flame Attack Nullification] instead of [Heat Nullification].
- Bodies/Clones spawned from Skills now will remove themselves when the owner lost the original skill.
- Skill's Damage (including Spiritual Damage), Energy draining and Harmful effects from players now won't get applied on other players when the server's Pvp is Off.
- Majin and Spiritual players now can go lower than 18 Hunger when having the Hunger effect.
Bugs Fixing:
- [Fusionist] doesn't have any Magicule cost.
- When players/mobs kill a player in Beast Transformation or Dragon Mode (with x2 EP temporary), they gain x2 EP as reward.
- Inert Charybdis Core resets when dropping on not-full blocks (like Torch, Flower, etc.)
- Elemental Colossus does 0 damage on players when the gamerule
is true. - Orc Lord has chance to spawn from Shadow Storage Orcs.
- Tridents with Loyalty thrown by Humanoid mobs don't despawn.
- Englightened Hobgoblin & Hobgoblin Saint's speed stats are messed up.
- Other minor changes.
- [Healer]'s Infection mode now has 3s cooldown (1s with Mastery).
- Charybdis now guarentees to drop 1-3 Dragon Essences.
- Added commands to check if the player has met the requirements for a full reset counter.
- Added
config, determining the maximum number of bonus Unique Skills thatresetCounterBonusUnique gamerule
can give to a player. - Added
config, to apply the reset counter Penalty when a player uses a Race/Skill Reset Scroll even when they meet all of their reset requirements - Only applies when theresetIncompletePenalty
gamerule is higher than 1 - Default = False. - Added some new events for Addon developer.
Bugs Fixing:
- Players have chance to roll into the same skills when rolling for multiple skills at once.
- Hipokute seeds can be duplicated with Fortune.
- Some skills get activated when changing modes.
- Some skills' cooldown value is messed up.
- Other minor changes.
- Increased the analysist level of some skills:
- By default, [Analytical Appraisal] & [Dragon Eye] can only analyze targets with EP x1.5 of the user's EP or below (2x with Mastery).
- [Creator]'s limit is now 2x and 4x with Mastery.
- [Mathematician]'s limit is now 5x and 7x with Mastery.
- [Great Sage]'s limit is now 5x and 10x with Mastery.
- [Godly Craftsman] now will cost more xp to enchant TR's Engraving.
- [Unyielding] now will also be affected by the
config like other skills like [Gluttony].
- Added new gamerule
, deciding the number of points gets removed from the Reset Counter when a player uses any type of reset scroll while not meeting the requirement for a full reset - Default: 0. - Gamerule
now decides how many counters needed for 1 extra skill instead of just 1 counter for 1 skill when enabled.
Bugs Fixing:
- [Martial Master] doesn't boost x3 damage from battewills.
- [Gluttony]'s Predation can reach 15 blocks without Mastery.
- [Swipe] doesn't boost damage on Mastery.
- Some Haki skills' cooldown are messed up.
- Holding skills doesn't get unactivated when going through portals.
- Magics can be spammed with changing modes button.
- Orc Disaster race's evolution requirement is messed up.
- Reset Counter not working properly
- Other minor changes.
- [Body Double] now won't work in Spiritual Form.
- Battewills now do Physical damage - affected by [Physical Attack Resistance/Nullification].
- Elemental Colossus defeat is now also required for Reset Counter.
- Sensing and analyzing skills now can be used during [Shadow Motion] usage.
- [Farsight] & [Dragon Eye] now won't toggle your Analyzing off.
- Failing to gaining skills due to Magicule message now will be shown as a short message above your hot bar instead of spamming in chat.
- Added
filter for Ability selection. - Added config to disable the TR's title screen in client config.
Bugs Fixing:
- [Creator] doesn't get mastery speed buff from other skills.
- [Martial Master] doesn't boost damage from some battewills and doesn't dodge properly.
- [Spatial Manipulation]'s Warp Shot sometimes doesnt work.
- Some skills put you into cooldown when changing modes.
- Magics can be dual casted.
- Bossess sometimes despawn.
- Elemental Colossus doesn't get aggro against Spiritual Damage.
- Filtered search doesn't work on Battlewill GUI.
- Other minor changes.
- Added maps leading to Labyrinth Tree or Hell Gate to Cartographer villager's master level trades as a one-time trade with small chance - configurable.
- Added Reset Counter, showing up as medals in the main menu, counting how many times the player has used the Character Reset scroll at the end of their full playthrough (final Evo, awakened and defeated 4 big bossess) and new Gamerule
giving bonus Unique skills on resetting based on the Reset Counter. - Turned [Reverser]'s toggle ability to a mode [Alignment Reverse]: (Old toggle ability still stays for quick activation)
Alignment Reverse: If the player is a Majin or True Chosen Hero, sets Alignment to Chaos. With Mastery, you can set the alignment of other players or mobs to Chaos. When the alignment is set to Chaos, the player can become TDL without being Majin, or become TH when their race is Majin. Chaos beings doesn't take more damage from Holy Coat weapons.
- Doubled [Infinity Prison]'s cooldown and the cooldown now will still get triggered if the user misses their aim.
- Hero Egg now will be lost when evolving into a Majin race.
- Added similar config as Resistances for Nullifications.
- [Chosen One] now keeps Blessed status upon resetting race.
- Most magic projectiles now won't damage its own owner/shooter.
- Leaving Labyrinth/Hell now will place you beside the bed instead of in the middle of it.
Bugs Fixing:
- [Creator] can create same skill twice a roll without mastery.
- [Merciless] insta-kills targets under 100% of the user EP instead of intended 10%.
- [Reflector] doing 100% damage output when set to 10%.
- [Strengthen Body] reducing damage even from /kill damage type and similar ones.
- Mastering [Maximum Magic Bullet] doesn't give [Death March Dance].
- Default configs don't update.
- Leaving Labyrinth sometimes doesn't set you back to Survival.
- Other minor changes.
- Moved direwolf pack configs from common config to spawnrate config.
- Otherworlders now won't drop coins.
- Hipokute Grass (not Flower) now is affected by Fortune.
- Tamables and Summons of players now can't attack other players in the Labyrinth when Labyrinth Pvp is off.
- Character/Race reset scrolls now remove [Cook]'s HP debuff on use.
- Race size is now also affected by the Minimum size config.
- Turned config
, which will applied to each time the players do an additional unique skill roll on reincarnation/reset - only works when the skill number on Reincarnation config is higher than 1. - [Engorger]'s active ability will auto-toggle the skill on if activated when sneaking instead of just asking you to toggle it on.
- Your player model now will fit in the box when shown in main GUI and HUD if your size is bigger than the box.
- You now can slime jump in Creative mode.
Bugs Fixing:
- [Researcher] & [Godly Craftsman] duping items.
- Spiritual damage can be done while in [Shadow Motion].
- [Oppressor] & some battlewills can be instant activated.
- Body doubles using the user's [Unyielding]'s backup body.
- Item duping in some Storage skills.
- Thought Acceleration mode in some Unique Skills cannot be toggled off.
- Magic can be casted while on cooldown.
- Adamantite short sword evolution is bugged.
- MP/AP visually bugged after respawning.
- Knight spiders and some mobs don't spawn in deserts.
- Bow schematic doesn't spawn in pillager outposts' chests.
- Other minor changes.
- Changed codes in
a bit for more options of skills. - For example: If you are on Mountain, u gain skill X and evolves to A. If you are in the ocean, you gain skill Y and evolves to B.
- Charmed/Mind-controlled entities now won't need other conditions (Fear, HP, EP) to be named.
- [Earth Manipulation/Domination]'s Earth Wall now can't be spammed in one place.
- Gate abilities now have 20s (10s with mastery) cooldown.
- Breath abilities now have have double damage output when mastered.
- Hero Egg and True Hero skills now will be counted as Intrinsic Skills when using Skill reset scroll.
- Added
config to set the maximum amount of EP that an EP-stealing ability can take - Default: 1M. [Skills affected by this: Degenerate, Envy, Gluttoy, Gourmet, Predator, Starved, Reaper] - Added some basic configs for MP regen, AP regen, bonus mastery gain and bonus learning points gain.
- Added new gamerule
to determine the maximum amount of Magicule/Aura that a player can gain at once after killing a mob/player. - Added new command
/tensura worldData labyrinth regenerate true/false
to make the Labyrinth structure regenerate itself in the next Server/World launch. - Players now can check their human kill count with
/tensura get stat humanKill
- Increased the maximum amount that players can set to in Attribute Config.
Bugs Fixing:
- [Suppressor]'s mastery doesn't make the user immune to Severance like intended.
- [Researcher] & [Godly Craftsman] can't enchant items in Creative.
- Some engraving makes mobs unrevivable by [Chosen One].
- Hipokute Grass and Palm trees not spawning.
- Elemental Colossus spawned from Colossus respawning gamerule drops Magisteel Blocks.
- Reset commands doesn't reset players' flight.
- Nadona and some sounds don't play in game.
- Other minor changes.
- Poison damage now won't be counted for [Abnormal Condition Resistance/Nullification].
- Subordinates/Clones' kill now will counted for the owner's Human/Boss kill count.
- Clones' mob kill will be be counted for the owner's statistic.
- Gear gaining EP now won't get the EP gain reduction calculated by the user's EP.
- Learning [Spatial Domination]'s Fault Field now only requires Tapping instead of holding down the skill button.
- Fixed TR's sounds.
- Potentially fixed incompatibilities related to Sensing skills.
- Added config for how [Resistances] work.
- Added admin command
/skill checkFlight [name]
to check if the checked player is flying using TR's features or not.
Bugs Fixing:
- [Healer] doesn't give mastery points properly.
- [Predation] can dupe Kunai & Arrow.
- [Megiddo] spawned below the caster when falling or swimming.
- [Thrower] breaks Magisteel Kunai.
- Resistances was calculated before damage-boosting skills.
- Possessing old bodies doesn't recover Jump boost.
- Some stats are limited.
- Race evolution using items/bosses are not working.
- Some mobs attack ignore Mob Griefing and listen to Skill Griefing gamerule instead.
- Supermassive Slime sometimes spawned as tiny.
- Other minor changes.
- Tensura common configs now got turned into Server config (making the configs per world):
- [Unyielding] now gains mastery points based on the amount of unyielding points on subordinates.
- Spatial Blockade now also prevents entities from going through portals.
- Players now won't regain Magicule from sleeping under Thunderstorm.
- Only demon players now can set spawnpoint in Hell.
- Hinata now can swims better in water.
- Sensing & Analyzing skills now won't be blocked by Vampire's Bat Mode or [Infinity Prison].
- Sleep Mode now won't toggle everything off.
- Teleporting skills now won't teleport you inside/under a block.
Bugs Fixing:
- Slime & Orc not spawning.
- [Creator] can duplicate Skills with Possession bodies. [This will only be fixed for new bodies after this update]
- [Possession] body despawn time setting to -1 instant removes the body.
- [Spatial Domination]'s Spatial Ray doesn't give cooldown when spamming keys.
- Breath skills don't damage entities when the user is blocked 1 block above.
- Temporary skills don't recover mastery/learning points when removed on death.
- Some battlewills don't gain mastery points.
- Players can't respawn when dying while choosing races.
- Death doesn't reset stats and status effects.
- Accidentally made Hinata immune to Infinity Imprison instead of the opposite.
- Reset Scrolls doesn't remove flight from skills.
- Some spawn chance config crashes when set to 0.
- War Gnome can't be unsummoned.
- Other minor changes.
- Tensura Mobs now spawn based on biome tags, allowing them to spawn in other modded biomes, depending on the biome mods.
- Fixed Minecraft bug that attributes and status effects get removed upon leaving the End dimension.
- Added options to have combined HUD of TR and Vanilla in settings.
- Nerfed Skill learning fail chance from 20% to 10%, and learning points now cant get under 0.
- [Researcher] & [Godly Craftman] now has the same XP cost as the amount of XP players can get from grindstone.
- [Thrower]'s thrown items (not trident, arrow, etc) now have Loyalty effect with mastery, higher return speed with [Gravity Domination/Manipulation].
- [Thrower] now does much more damage with Kunai, Spear & Trident instead of just doing their default damage.
- [Musician]'s Mind Requiem now get buffed by [Sound Manipulation/Domination].
- Clones/Bodies now can't pick up items dropped on the ground.
- Demon/God Slime is now a little smaller in width.
- Nullifications now will be treated as Intrinsic once players get them from Awakening, for Skill Reset.
- [Usurper]'s Force Takeover mode now can release the summons that the user stole by shift activating while looking at it.
- Added config to decide how long [Possession] body will despawn.
- Now if a temporary skill has any learning points before temporary acquired, it will recover those points when the time runs out.
- Some skills now won't work on dead mobs like Ice & Fire Dragon corpses.
- Hipokute now grows faster in magicule-rich biomes.
- Modded biomes now have default magicule value, for Magicule Regeneration.
- Added some missing tags for Sakura and Palm blocks.
Bugs Fixing:
- Kiln duping.
- Entities can become immortal with Fragility.
- Spiritual Damage can spam kill already-ded Ice&Fire dragons.
- [Thrower] can dupe Kunais.
- [Sniper]'s bullet cost is messed up.
- [Chosen One] making mobs tamed by the user's owner instead of the skill wielder.
- [Great Sage] duping items with shift-clicking.
- [Fusionist] ignored SkillGriefGamerule.
- [Magic Aura] can buff damage of none physical melee attacks.
- [Aura Slash] doesn't have cooldown in offhand slot.
- Hinata ignoring some skill effects.
- Demon race doesn't start off in Spiritual Form.
- Reset Scrolls don't remove your Demon Flight.
- SecondUniqueChance config bugged, being 100% all the time.
- Some race evolution requirements are messed up.
- Demon Lord awakening button doesn't show up when the gamerule about soul amount changed.
- Clone/Body doesn't save Jump Power value.
- Duplication on Summon with Spiritual Damage.
- Hipokute Grass crashes with certain mods.
- Labyrinth not fully generating if crashing/leaving during world loading.
- Spawnrate config stops the mob from spawning when set to 1.
- Other minor changes.
- Downgrade mixinextra to 0.2.0 to have compatibility with other 1.19.2 mods.
- Race menu now shows evolution requirements vaguely instead of their stats.
- Palm trees actually spawn now.
- [Farsight] now can increase the analysis distance when mastered.
- Spears now can be used with Loyalty.
- Breath-type skills/magics (Fire Breath, Gluttony, Predator, etc.) now won't attack the user's mount or rider unless those mobs are doing damage.
- [Predator], [Gourmet] and [Gluttony] now has the 4th mode of Block Mode to consume both Blocks and Fluid.
- Added a command to edit one's Severance amount:
/tensura edit stat severance [number]
- Monster Leather D now can be used to craft books.
- Reduced bird sounds' volume.
Bugs Fixing:
- Incompatibility regarding World generation and biome.
- Unintended speed boost related to [Gravity Flight] and other abilities.
- The Default crit multiplier is 2.25 instead of 1.5
- Other minor changes.