New World - Alpha 03: Final Steps
New features:
--- Added new behaviors for Mononykus:
- They're now nocturnal
- They'll look for a comfortable location to sleep --- Added the following extinct animals:
- Basilosaurus (some animations and behaviors yet to be implemented)
- Nigersaurus (some animations and behaviors yet to be implemented) --- Added custom size variation per species --- Added the following variants for the Chinese Hibiscus:
- Red Chinese Hibiscus
- Pink Chinese Hibiscus
- Purple Chinese Hibiscus
- Yellow Chinese Hibiscus
- White Chinese Hibiscus
- Magenta Chinese Hibiscus --- The following plants can now be pottled:
- Scarlet Star
- Lady Fern
- Bead Fern
- Rabbit Bush
- Rainfall Bush --- The following plants can now be crafted into dyes:
- Scarlet Star (Red Dye)
- Bog Laurel (Magenta Dye)
- Chinese Hibiscus (Dyes for its respective variants)
- Friendly Lily (Dyes for its respective variants)
- Peony (Pink Dye)
- Rose (Red Dye)
- Buttercup (Yellow Dye)
- Pink Daisy (Pink Dye)
- Chocolate Cosmos (Brown Dye) ---Added more Lycoptera fin bone ---Added Paddock Sign customization ---Added Sign Frame ---Added Sign Post ---Added connected textures for Hologlass Block ---Added the following blocks:
- Clear Glass Block
- Clear Glass Pane
- Wide Mesh Block
- Wide Mesh
- Narrow Mesh Block
- Narrow Mesh
- Slab and Stairs blocks to Amber Block
- Vanilla variants to log fences and their gates
- Wooden Benches and all vanilla variations
- Hollow Warped Stem
- Hollow Crimson Stem
- Amber Bricks with all its variants
- Messy Cobblestone with all its variants
- Cobbled Bricks with all its variants
- Thatch Block with all its variants --- Added the following machines:
- Artificial Womb
- Small Incubator --- Added the following crafting recipes:
- Mossy Chiseled Stone Bricks
- Dirty Chiseled Stone Bricks
- Mossy Stone Pillar
- Dirty Stone Pillar
Changes: ---Red Ogo was moved from Static Fauna subtab to Aquatic Plants subtab ---Changed terrain generation on Giant Sequoia Grove and its variants. ---Changed log fence appearance in inventory ---Changed log fence item size on ground ---Changed log fence gate size on ground ---Changed daytime Ghost Fungus texture ---Changed Water in Test Tube item texture ---Changed Lycoptera bone textures ---Changed biome spawn for the following plants:
- Blueberry (Old Growth Pine Taiga, Snowy Taiga, Taiga)
- Cloudberry (Mangrove Swamp, Swamp)
- Raspberry (Old Growth Spruce Taiga, Meadow, Windswept Forest)
- Strawberry (Cherry Grove, Jagged Peaks, Windswept Forest) ---Improved Chinese Hibiscus texture ---Replaced the Empty Bottle to a Bottle of Water in the Liquid Agar Crafting Recipe ---The following machines now last longer:
- Sequencer
- Computer
- Synthesizer ---Animal hitbox sizes will now coincide with the animal's growth stage.
New World - Alpha 02: Genetic Revolution
New features:
---Added new machines: ->Centrifuge -> DNA Sequencer -> Computer -> Genome Modification Server
- 8 Mononykus cosmetic skins
- 8 Ouranosaurus cosmetic skins
- 7 Lycoptera cosmetic skins + lux -> Genome Storage Server -> DNA Synthesizer ---Added the Brown Trout ---Added the following extinct animals: -> Lycoptera (some animations and behaviours yet to be implemented) -> Ouranosaurus (some animations and behaviours yet to be implemented) ---Added new Lab Gear & Genetic Items subtab items: -> Bottled Algae -> Liquid Agar -> Agar in Petri Dish -> Growth Serum -> Melanin gene -> Luciferin gene -> Executioner Concoction substance (functionality yet to be implemented) -> Sterilization vaccine (functionality yet to be impemented) -> Nucletoides -> Test Tube with Water -> DNA samples in Test Tube per species -> DNA samples in Syringe per species -> DNA samples in Pen Drive per species ---Added the following extinct plants (Ancient Seeds): -> Bunny Bush -> Chocolate Cosmos -> Cry Violet -> Rainfall Bush ---New plants: -> Moss cover (cover counterpart of vanilla moss) -> Buttercup flower (from Minecraft Earth) -> Pink daisy (from Minecraft Earth) -> Giant grass (3-block-tall grass) ---Added quality of life features for extinct animals: -> Blinking -> Gradual growth for growth stages -> Tilting for aquatic animals ---Added new fencing -> Log fences: one per tree type (Guanacaste, Baobab & Sequoia) -> Log fence gates: one per tree type (Guanacaste, Baobab & Sequoia) ---Added new buckets -> Lycoptera bucket -> Brown Trout bucket ---New Plushies -> MrTareke plushy: team member -> SrDapper plushy: paleontologist role ---New Plushy textures -> Gen -> Reaper -> Thy1acine ---New music disc: The Prize in the Ice
-> Reduced Mononykus size (1.6 m -> 1.4 m average) ---Retextured crops: -> Blueberry -> Cloudberry -> Raspberry -> Strawberry -> Improved mobs AI -> Fixed issue with Arapaima's spawnrate