Version 4.0.5 - RELEASE
This is a minor hotfix release for bugs reported in version 4.0.4.
Rebuilt the method MIMI uses to determine the System Default Audio Output Device. Thanks to Flyer173, RedAngel121, BigJoeyM, NovaAstral, and Epik-B0mber on GitHub for their bug reports about this!
Fixed various issues with selecting a MIDI Input Device. Thanks to 00J1NX00 and apocris on GitHUb for their bug reports about this!
Version 4.0.4 - RELEASE
This is a minor hotfix release for bugs reported in version 4.0.3.
- Added audio output device fallbacks and additional logging information to hopefully resolve issues with no audio being produced from MIMI instruments. Thanks to Flyer173, RedAngel121, and Epik-B0mber on GitHub for their bug reports about this!
Version 4.0.3 - RELEASE
This is a minor hotfix release for bugs reported in version 4.0.2.
- Fixed a bug where the client would sometimes crash when logging out of a world or when joining a second world within the same client session after leaving a world. Thanks to CaveNJ on GitHub for the bug report!