Has anything changed? Not that much.
Changes from 1.19.2 to 1.20.1: Implemented a Calendar, craft it to check what the current year is. Will later on also be placeable. Gloves are gone. You don't need them for crafting recipes anymore. Cherry and Bamboo Wine Racks will follow later on.
Anything you should know? Yea. The recipe Book actually doesn't work as it should. But we're working on it, no worry! Theres no need to report it. :)
You can check out all Changelogs from previous Versions here: https://legacy.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/lets-do-wine/files
Shelfs and Wine Storage Blocks (Wine Box, Big and Small Wine Rack) got rewritten and aint no longer geckolib entities anymore. Means they will probably getting deleted after updating it.
So make sure to take out your Items before. Drawers and Cabinets are not affected by this.
Grapevine and Cherry Leaves can now properly be harvested when using a hoe Bags can now be uncrafted Holmraven fixed the cooking pot, wont reset anymore. Big kudos to him! Dough crafting output got increased to 3. Window crafting output got increased to 4. Shelf got rewritten from scratch: You can now place up to 9 items on it. Grape bushes dont hurt anymore. Ouch! Wine Storage got rewritten from scratch: You can now place every bottle at any place you want. You can now harvest cherries by using a shear on cherry leaves, keep an eye out for those red leaves! Added CN Translation, big thanks to tiffina12. A fix causing WineYear not to work when used in creative mode. The big bonfire finally works 100% Redefined following textures: Red Grapes White Grapes Red Grapeseeds White Grapeseeds White Grapejuice Dough Fixed Particle Effects for Wine Box Built-In Bushy Leaves Texture Pack has been fixed Winemaker Armor set bonus working again You can now compost following Items: white_grape
CN Translation should work now properly Cooking Pot should now be fully functional when placed on FarmersDelight:Stove