N.M's Lava Bombs now have a limited duration (default: 350 to 500 ticks). When a Lava Bomb expires or disappears for any reason, it will now remove the lava it placed. Lava Bombs will now place lava on top when exploding on slabs, existing lava, etc. N.M now enters Phase 2 when its health drops below 40%. Maledictus's grab and rush hitboxes have been made more accurate.
Now when bosses are summoned or awakened, they move farther away based on the coordinates, and when there is no target, they teleport to those coordinates (spawn egg remains the same, and if you set config to 0, it will be the same as before.) Laser Gatling and Harbinger's Beam now penetrate enemies (but not shields) and have a constant shot speed. Fixed Coral weapon can't enchant durability enchant
Now when bosses are summoned or awakened, they move farther away based on the coordinates, and when there is no target, they teleport to those coordinates (spawn egg remains the same, and if you set config to 0, it will be the same as before.) Now, Laser Gatling, Harbinger's beam penetrate enemies (but not shields) and shot speed is fixed.