+added new achievement "Almost 4 elements"
+added new achievement "Feel like a dragon!" - is given when you get the effect "Dragon's Flight"
+added new achievement "Rest in peace Dragon" - to get it you need to cook dragon omelette.
+added new tag "mini_pizza_ingredients"
+added sea serpent fang knife (with recipe)
+added eye chowder (with recipe)
+added a new category to the configs - "Special pie slice"
+added a new variable to the configs - "enable_explosions_when_eat_special_pie_slice" - Enable of explosions when eating a special pie slice
+added a new variable to the configs - "chance_explosions_when_eat_special_pie_slice" - Chance of explosion when eating a special pie slice
+added a new variable to the configs - "number_death_before_explosions_stop_when_eating_special_pie_slice" - Number of deaths before the explosions will stop when eating a special pie slice
+added a new category to the configs - "Special sausage"
+added a new variable to the configs - "enable_explosions_when_eat_special_sausage" - Enable explosions when eating a special sausage
+added a new variable to the configs - "chance_explosions_when_eat_special_sausage" - Chance of an explosion when eating a special sausage
+added a new variable to the configs - "number_death_before_explosions_stop_when_eating_special_sausage" - Number of deaths before explosions stop when eating a special sausage
*now when eating a dragon special pie slice you get the achievement "Almost 4 elements"
*now when eating a dragon special pie slice an explosion occurs
*now after the explosion when eating a dragon special pie slice now awards the "Too Much Power" achievement
*now when eating a dragon special sausage you get the achievement "Almost 4 elements"
*now when eating a dragon special sausage an explosion occurs
*now after the explosion when eating a dragon special sausage now awards the "Too Much Power" achievement
*using lightning lily extract now leaves an empty measuring cylinder in the recipe
*using fire lily extract now leaves an empty measuring cylinder in the recipe
*using ice lily extract now leaves an empty measuring cylinder in the recipe
*fixed a bug that required having both fire and ice minced meat in your inventory to complete the "Not so great beast" achievement
*fixed a bug where eating a fiery hot pie slice would trigger effects for a dragon special pie slice.
*now you can't use the knife from the Hydra's fang as a knife (I saw complaints that the knife is supposedly toxic, but at the same time you cut food with it)
*now you can use fried bacon in crafting mini pizzas
*now meat from the mod can be used to craft dragon food
*updated Brazilian Portuguese (pt_br) translation
*updated Spanish (es_ar) translation
*corrected translation
+added new effect "Dragons's Might", when hitting a victim, the victim slows down, burns and is struck by lightning.
+added dragon special pie [when eaten, it explodes, gives the effect "Dragon's Flight", gives the effect "Dragons's Might"]
+added dragon special pie slice [when eaten, gives the effect "Dragon's Flight", gives the effect "Dragons's Might"]
+added fiery hot pie [when eaten, it gives the effect "Fire Aspect" and "Fire Resistance"]
+added fiery hot pie slice [when eaten, it gives the effect "Fire Aspect" and "Fire Resistance"]
+added new attribute - "number_of_explosions"
+added new category in configs - "Special Pie"
+added new variable in configs - "enable_explosions_when_eat_special_pie" - Enable explosions when eating special pie
+added new variable in configs - "chance_explosions_when_eat_special_pie" - Chance of explosion when eating special pie
+added new variable in configs - "number_death_before_explosions_stop_when_eating_special_pie" - Number of deaths before explosions stop when eating special pie
+added dragon special sausage [when eaten, it gives the effect "Dragon's Flight", gives the effect "Dragons's Might"]
+added raw dragon special sausage
*now the pies can turn
*troll intestines now stack into 64 items
*the chance of troll intestines falling out has been increased to 70% without looting, for each level of looting - +10%, maximum - 100%
*eating a lightning dragon hotdog now grants "Lightning Strike" for ~13 minutes and "Fire Resistance" for ~6 minutes
*eating a fire dragon taco now grants "Fire Aspect" and "Fire Resistance" for 50 seconds
*eating fire dragon ramen now gives the effect "Fire Aspect" and "Fire Resistance" for 50 seconds
*now, drinking lightning lily extract grants "Fire Resistance" for 25 seconds
*now eating frost pie gives you "Ice Aspect" and "Cold Resistance"
*now eating electric pie gives you "Lightning Strike" and "Fire Resistance"
*eating dragon omelet now gives a 7 and a half minute "Nourishment" effect
*food rebalancing
*Cyclops, Troll, Sea Serpent, Hydra meat is now better than porkchop
*changed cookbook model
*changed cookbook crafting recipe
*changed the icon for the achievement "Too much power!"
*Patchouli is no longer required in the game
*food now has rarities (common, uncommon, rare and epic) that depend on the difficulty of obtaining/needing the item
*now the mod description inside the game has a list of people working on it.
*optimization of mod size
+added Silver knife (+2 damage to undead) (with recipe)
+added Hydra Fang knife (10 seconds poisoning when stabbed) (with recipe)
+added Dragon bone bun (with recipe)
+added Fire dragon ramen (with recipe)
+added Fire dragon taco (with recipe)
+added Cool sandwich (with recipe) (when eaten, it gives the effect "Fire Resistance" for (35 to 60 seconds))
+added Lightning Dragon Hotdog (with recipe)
+added fire/ice/lightning lily duplication craft {using lily extract or dragon blood}
+added fire/ice/lightning lilies craft {using lily extract or dragon blood}
+added new "fire/frost/lightning_lily_clone" tags
+added a new entry to the cookbook - "Silver Knife"
+added a new entry to the cookbook - "Hydra Fang Knife"
+added new entry in cookbook "Mini Pizza"
+added Hydra meat
+added Cooked Hydra meat (with recipe)
+added Electric pie (with recipe)
+added Electric pie slice (with recipe)
+added Frost pie (with recipe)
+added Frost pie slice (with recipe)
+added Dragon pie crust (with recipe)
+added Brazilian Portuguese (pt_br) translation
+added Spanish (es_ar) translation
+added additional recipe for Cooked Sea serpent slice
*updated Chinese (zn_ch) translation
*updated textures
*updated logo
*changed the recipe for hydra poison soup
*effect "Warming" changed to "Cold Resistance"
*dragon sausage has been changed to dragon sausage
*corrected a bug that cyclops steaks always fell from cyclops
*fixed a bug with duplicate loot from Ice and Fire mobs
*modified Hydra loot from Ice and Fire
*mod is now in Beta
*food rebalance
*corrected bug - The tooltip for the Desert Myrmex Resin Cookie was spelled "Desert"
+added a system to check if a mod has been updated
*“Fresh soup from sea serpent” entry transformed into “Sea serpent meat”
*“Honey glazed troll meat” entry has been changed to “Troll meat”
*"Chips from shiny scales" entry has been expanded
*"Ectoplasm Jelly" entry has been expanded
*"Lightning/frost/fire lily extract" entries h as been expanded.
+added more recipes for chips from shiny scales
+added cookbook (with recipe)
+cookbook is now given out the first time you enter the world (unless the "Ice and Fire Delight" achievement is obtained)
+added "lily_extract" tag
+now Patchouli is required
*now meat from the mod in the smoker is now cooked faster