Fabric & Neoforge
- Add Swarming Status Effect
- Has a chance to spawn an angered Bee upon being attacked while inflicted with this effect, similar to the Infested status effect
- Add Shrieking Status Effect
- Has a 1% chance to spawn a Warden upon being attacked while inflicted with this effect
- Add Instability Status Effect
- Will randomly teleport the inflicted entity while inflicted with this effect, similar to how Chorus Fruit teleports the player around
- Add Particle Types for each new status effect, matching with other trial chamber-related effects
- Allow Swarming, Shrieking, and Instability to be applied through Ominous Trial Spawners' Lingering Potions
- Swarming has a 15% chance
- Shrieking has a 35% chance
- Instability has a 5% chance
- Add certain Herbal Sigils to the loot table, "minecraft:chests/trial_chambers/reward_ominous_unique"
- Pride, Greed, Gluttony, Wrath, Envy, Lust, Sloth
- Has a 35% chance of any of them being given from the loot table
- Each of them have an equal chance of occurring ~14.3% chance
- Add Enigmatic Potions
- Upon consuming this potion type, no potion particle effects will be shown for any effects applied by the potion
- Holding certain Enigmatic Extracts in your offhand will provide you with benefits (can be viewed through the tooltip/hover text)
- Holding an Enigmatic Extract containing Virtuous Ashes in your offhand will provide the status effects applied with a duration boost
- Holding an Enigmatic Extract containing Vile Ashes in your offhand will provide the status effects applied with an amplifier boost
- Can be brewed by using any regular potion and an Enigmatic Extract containing Mystical Ashes inside of a Brewing Stand
- Add Solar Potions
- Consuming this potion type during the day provides the status effects applied with both a duration and amplifier boost
- However, consuming this potion type during the night decreases the duration and amplifier of the status effects applied
- Can be brewed by using any regular potion and a Clock inside of a Brewing Stand
- Add Lunar Potions
- Consuming this potion type during the night provides the status effects applied with both a duration and amplifier boost
- However, consuming this potion type during the day decreases the duration and amplifier of the status effects applied
- Can be brewed by using any Solar Potion and a Sculk block inside of a Brewing Stand
- Adjust the light level provided by the Incense Provider through introducing blockstate dependent lighting
- If the Incense Provider is lit, it'll provide a light level of 7, but while not lit, it'll provide no light
- Make it so that if a metal is considered an alloy, that the scrap item - if any - is added to the Hibernal Herbs creative mode tab
- Add Enigmatic Potions, Solar Potions, and Lunar Potions to the Hibernal Herbs creative mode tab
- Make Frost Resistance and other new status effects brewable
- Using Dried Sage in a Brewing Stand with an Awkward Potion provides a 3 minute long potion of Frost Resistance
- Using a Bee Nest in a Brewing Stand with an Awkward Potion provides a 3 minute long potion of Swarming
- Using a Sculk Shrieker in a Brewing Stand with an Awkward Potion provides a 3 minute long potion of Shrieking
- Using an End Rod in a Brewing Stand with an Awkward Potion provides a 3 minute long potion of Instability
- Fix status effect colour of Frost Resistance to utilise the correct hexcode
- Add (currently unused item tag) "c:acceptable_potions_for_brewing"
- Contains "hibernalherbs:enigmatic_potion", "hibernalherbs:solar_potion", "hibernalherbs:lunar_potion" as default entries
- Add "Is Not Active" tooltips/hover texts to the Sorcerer's Agglomeration and Sorcerer's Tome for when, y'know, they're not active
- Allow the Breach enchantment to also allow the harvesting of Life Force in Glass Bottles
- Any tool that allows for the Breach enchantment to be applied will function this way, so in vanilla, this includes just the standard Mace
- Adjustments to the Herbal Grimoire
- Add Brewing entries relating to both Enigmatic Potions of Time Dependent Potions (Solar and Lunar Potions)
- Add 2 Brewing templates, 1 requiring just a singular brewing "recipe" with the other requiring 2
- Add sorting numbers to each category, generally more organised overview of categories
- Change the Herbal Grimoire "version" to be 230627 (hint: it is indeed an easter egg)
- Adjust the Arcane Ruins structure
- Migrate old Arcane Ruins chest loot tables to instead be vault loot tables
- Remove all chests in place of 1 regular Vault and an Ominous Vault
- Add 3 Trial Spawners (Pillagers, Endermites, and Phantoms)
- Alongside this, adjust the actual Arcane Ruins build itself to accommodate these new additions
- Add data components for the Sorcerer's Agglomeration and Sorcerer's Tome reset recipes
- Set "hibernalherbs:is_being_used" to false upon reset
- Add zh_cn translations
- This includes patchouli translations
- Currently only up to date for v1.4 lang, v1.4.1 additions have not yet been translated
- Make Enigmatic Potions, Solar Potions, and Lunar Potions accessible through the EMI recipe viewer
- Fix the stack size for sinful ashes
Port to 1.21 | Fabric & Neoforge
- Remove Herbal Conjuration Altar
- Add Mystical Campfire
- Add Incense Provider
- Add Sickle tool type
- Wooden, Stone, Iron, Golden, Diamond, Netherite, Arkonium, Syrum
- Add Syrum tool/gear set
- Add Arkonium tool/gear set
- Port dried herb recipes to now instead be obtained through mystical campfire conversion
- Port singed herbal grimoire recipe to now instead be obtained through mystical campfire conversion
- Port siliptium, lumbinetrik, and julisium petals recipe(s) to now instead be obtained through mystical campfire conversion
- Adjust Myqueste log/leaves textures to be a bit less saturated
- Add Sorcerer's Agglomeration
- Add Sorcerer's Tome
- Port Blank Herbal Sigil recipe to now instead be obtained through Item Conjuration using the Sorcerer's Agglomeration
- Adjust Blank Herbal Sigil conjuration recipe to require a Deteriorated Sacrificial Rune
- Add Sacrificial Rune Block
- Add Deteriorated Sacrificial Rune Block
- Add Frozen State blocks
- Copper family
- Weathered Copper family
- Exposed Copper family
- Oxidised Copper family
- Sacrificial Rune Block
- Add Bottle of Life Force
- Add Sickle enchantments
- Culling
- Rapid
- Slashing
- Add Status Effects
- Barbaric
- Devotion
- Esurient
- Lethargy
- Mimicry
- Rapacity
- Sanguine
- Frost Resistance
- Add Pounded/Dried Herb Blocks
- Add Necromantic Stone type
- Add Idiosyncratic Stone type
- Add/Adjust advancements
- Frigid Conjuration
- Gotta go Fast!
- Ashes to Ashes
- (Un)limited... Power!
- Item Converticus
- Your Power is Mine!
- "Oxidising"
- Dry it!
- Hex "Tech"
- On Ice
- Off Ice
- Step 1: Wood
- Step 2: Fertilization
- Infusion!
- Ancient Stone Tablet
- College Colours
- Let Me Just... stab
- Worship... Some Deity
- Pound it!
- Restoration Project
- Agricultural Advances
- An Expensive Craft
- Sacrifice! Sacrifice! Sacrifice!
- Inscryption
- Sinful Grove
- Pseudo-Necronomicon
- Philosophical Nonsense
- Mystical Wealth
- Prolonged Eye Contact
- Advanced Expedition
- Kinda, Powerless, Right?
- I Crave Blood
- A Sinner Like Me
- Burned as Hell
- Pounded Herbs are now dropped by regular herbs by using a Sickle instead of another tool
- Add Ashes of sin
- Envy
- Pride
- Gluttony
- Wrath
- Greed
- Lust
- Sloth
- Add Inscription Smithing Template
- Used to upgrade Blank Herbal Sigils
- Add Enigmatic Extracts
- Extracts: Mystical Ashes
- Extracts: Vile Ashes
- Extracts: Virtuous Ashes
- Add Arcane Ruins
- Add Suspicious End Stone
- Add Syrum Brush
- Mysterious Potion
- Potion of Frost Resistance
- Add Visualized Frozen Blockstates resource packs
- Makes it so that all frozen blockstate blocks have an icy outline to help differentiate them from regular blocks. Inspired by Vanilla Tweaks.
- Replace Trinkets/Curios dependency with Accessories
- Update Patchouli integration/dependency
- Add Mystical Campfire Conversion Processor for Patchouli
- This is a Work in Progress, but essentially the input is on the left, output is on the right. I think you know why the Mystical Campfire is in the middle.
- Add EMI integration
- Require EMI
- Add Catalogue Compatibility
- Update several textures
- Herbal Padlocks
- Herbal Sigils
- Herbal Blends + Smoked Herbal Blends
- Silipium and Lumbinetrik Petals
- Myqueste woodset
- Add 'stripped_planks' resource pack for light mode Myqueste planks
- Remove Bare Bones and Eating Animations compat resource packs
- Add Julisium Petals
- Adjust Bound Herbal Padlock recipes
- Adjust Patchouli compat
- [Fabric] Fix Issue #15
- Fix Smoked Conflicting Herb Blend Tooltip
- Fix Smoked Alternative Herb Blend Tooltip
- Remove "overflow" Text From Certain Tooltips
- Adjust Certain Advancement Types
- Adjust Certain Advancement Names
- [Forge] Fix Issue #14