Added 4 food items:
- Ribs
- Cooked Ribs
- Seasoned Ribs
- Seasoned Cooked Ribs
Added 9 new Blaze Burner & Furnace Fuel Sources:
- Biofuel
- Nut Powder
- Stardust
- Stellar Husk
- Stellar Core
- Ironnut
- Ironnut Powder
- Ethereal Essence
- Ultra-Dense Fuel
Added 1 new Item and Block:
- Stardust Block
- Biochar
Added new recipes to create the following items:
- Charcoal
- Netherite Scrap
- Tuff
- Shulker Shell
- Solidified Garnish
- Copper Ingot
- Iron Ingot
- Zinc Ingot
- Gold Ingot
Update 0.7.0 focuses on the Ocean and modifies and adds 4 new meats and ocean themed foods.
Items Added:
- Black Pudding
- Guardian Fin
- Elder Guardian Fin
- Raw Squid
- Cooked Squid
- Raw Glow Squid
- Cooked Glow Squid
- Raw Guardian
- Cooked Guardian
- Raw Elder Guardian
- Cooked Elder Guardian
- Calamari
- Glowing Calamari
- Sashimi
- Guardian Goulash
- Surf & Turf Platter
- Seafood Platter
- Guardian Fin Soup
- Elder Guardian Fin Soup
- Seafood Salad
- Unholy Buffet
You can find out more on my Github!
Update 0.6.0 focuses on the nether and modifies and adds some meats and nether themed foods, as well as adding 2 new plants

you can find much more detailed update patchnotes on my Github!
This update's main additions are the 2 new Nether Vines

Food Items:
- Piglin Meat
- Cooked Piglin
- Piglin Stew
- Strider Meat
- Cooked Strider
- Magma Cube Stew
- Slime Stew
- Hot N' Sticky Stew
- Blaze Noodles
- Ghast Balls
- Cursed Calamari
- Hoglin Meat
- Cooked Hoglin
- Danger Noodles
Other Items
- Spice Compound
- Spice Powder
Compatibility Recipes:
- Cinder Flour
- Updated Advancement Tree
fixed ethereal growth not breaking when block beneath is removed
fixed most blocks not having a preferred tool
fixed missing item tags on ethereal leaves and rooted end stone
shearing ethereal leaves and rooted end stone in creative no longer takes durability
shearing ethereal leaves and rooted end stone, along with stripping ethereal wood and logs, and bone mealing ethereal growth and bush, now plays the appropriate player animation
the naturally spawning ethereal bush is no longer separate to the grown block. (WARNING: this means any previously naturally generated ethereal bushes will be deleted from your world)
removed several duplicate recipes
other fixes i forgot
Update 0.5.0 is the largest release for Garnished Additions to date, adding a new wood variant, a new plant, 2 new fluids, and 5 further food items.

you can find much more detailed update patchnotes on my Github!
Food Items:
- Ethereal Pancakes
- Ethereal Salad
- Ethereal Cocktail
- Ethereal Delight
- Slice of Ethereal Delight
Other Items & Blocks
- Ethereal Growth
- Ethereal Log
- Ethereal Leaves
- Ethereal Leaf
- Ethereal Fruit
- Rooted End Stone
- Ethereal Roots
- Ethereal Wood
- Ethereal Stripped Log
- Ethereal Stripped Wood
- Ethereal Planks
- Ethereal Slab
- Ethereal Fence
- Ethereal Fence Gate
- Ethereal Door
- Ethereal Trapdoor
- Ethereal Pressure Plate
- Ethereal Button
New Fluids:
- Ethereal Syrup
- Bucket of Ethereal Syrup
- Bottle of Ethereal Syrup
- Ethereal Sap
- Bucket of Ethereal Sap
- Bottle of Ethereal Sap