Updated to Minecraft 1.17.1
Greatly simplified the main mixin
Migrated from TagRegistry to TagFactory (the minimum is now Fabric API 0.38.0)
Migrated to the io.github.ennuil.fenceplayerupper
Changed the license from LGPL-3.0 to MIT
Removed the undocumented feature (the fenceplayerupper:allowed_entities
) due to pathfinding issues
Fence Player Upper 1.1.3 for Minecraft 1.17-pre1
on May 29, 2021Changelog:
Updated to Minecraft 1.17-pre1 (and Java 16)
Broke off compatibility with 1.16
Fence Player Upper 1.1.2 for Minecraft 21w05b
on Feb 8, 2021Changelog:
Updated to Minecraft 21w05b
Cleaned up the code and attempted to optimize it
Updated the icon to a new one, featuring an actual fence!
Fence Player Upper 1.1.1 for Minecraft 20w46a
on Feb 8, 2021Changelog:
Removed an unnecessary mixin
Removed debug System.out.println
Fence Player Upper 1.1.0 for Minecraft 20w46a
on Feb 8, 2021Changelog:
Updated to Minecraft 20w46a (still compatible with 1.16.2+)
Expanded the undocumented allowed_entities.json feature in order to allow entities listed on it to naturally fence up blocks
Fence Player Upper 1.0.2 for Minecraft 1.16.2
on Feb 8, 2021This update overhauls the fence detection system one more time, resulting in better uppering and with less checks than before!
Switched the fence detection system with one based on the player's yaw and math, only checking what's necessary
Fixed obstacles not halting the fence detection system
Fixed non-air small blocks above fences stopping the fence checks
The Jump Boost potion effect now disables the fence checks
Reorganized the internal code
Fence Player Upper 1.0.1 for Minecraft 1.16.2
on Feb 8, 2021This update is quite small but improves greatly the experience of this mod!
Improved fence checking, now checks for a range of 3 blocks on the player's direction instead of a range of 1 in all directions.
Fence Player Upper 1.0.0 for Minecraft 1.16.2
on Feb 8, 2021The first public release of Fence Player Upper, enjoy!