- added tin, bronze, and steel sheets
- added compatibility with create: dreams & desires
- added compatibility with epic knights
- fixed tin block to tin ingots recipe (thanks @Tynot)
- fixed tinker's construct/hephaestus compatibility for raw tin (thanks @captainmartuuk)
- updated data path for materials, alloys and compatibility recipes
- added a bunch of item tags
- fixed enchantment support for paxels (forge/neoforge)
- updated item registry order
- added ru_ru (thanks @Lawren) (partial - tooltips coming next update)
- updated mod version
- added back tetra and silentgear compatibility (forge)
- fixed tin ore not being mineable with specific tool types
- removed #c tags (forge)
- simplified data structure
- added a bunch of block/item tags, mostly for ore blocks
- added compatibility recipes using tags for all tools, armor and weapons
- fixed a sound issue with raw tin block
- updated mod logo
- updated mod version
- removed Tetra support for ores as it was causing compatibility problems (I'll work on reintroducing this in future updates)
- fixed a problem related to Jade (thanks @SaintJuneau)
- slightly altered weapons, tools and armor values
- added generic brass tags for forge and fabric
- fixed repair material for rose quartz and sturdy armors
- fixed repair material for brass tools (fabric)
- updated several textures (rose quartz block, steel paxek, steel shovel)
- updated tooltips on all weapons, tools and armor
- major rewrite of some parts of the mod to prepare for 1.21.1
- updated mod logo
- updated mod version
Futures update will concentrate on optimisation, sorting out the tag library and cosmetic changes.