- Fixed bug causing lag in bioluminescent caves. Caused by the charcoal grass procedure continuously being retriggered. i adjusted the way the grass works to stop this.
- Fixed name of light blue sugar sand
- Fixed code for bucketing ice cream salotls
- Changed texture of Bucket of orange glowfish to match others
- Further decreased amount of storage taken in image atlas
- Fixed not getting buckets after placing bucketed ancient caves salotls while in creative
- Changed textures of ancient azalea bushes
- Added Cinnamon Roll that drop from cinnamon rollie pollie
- Added Desserted Salotl
- Added jei info to the desserted salotl
- Added jei info to brownie salotls and pop tart salotls
- Adjusted desserted salotl bucket texture to be brighter
- Added jei info yo sniffer salotl
- Sniffer salotl is now tamed with torchflowers
- removed jei info displaying heartfruit as a tame from a few salotls that recieved jei info recently
- readded texture for texture for floating grass block
- changed the soundset of the blue and brown peppermints to match the other peppermints
- Updated Starfire Salotl texture
- Glowcandy item texture now matches the glowcandy vines and bush
- Lowered Lazalea spawn rate
- Increased glowberry vine gen in ancient lush caves
- Black Spidersnake ai now matches Sandy Spidersnake ai
- All Jaucans now attack black spidersnakes
- Added NEW SALOTL called Flowering Fern Salotl to match the plant
- Rose salotl is now the Poppy Salotl
- All base salotl, flowery, tv head, and ore salotl buckets now have jei info telling how to tame along with. more coming soon
- Rose salotl is now tamed with poppys
- Sunflower salotl is now tamed with sunflowers
- Flowery salotl is now tamed with wildflowers
- Shroom salotl is now tamed with mushrooms
- Tv head salotls are now tamed with redstone
- Ore salotls are now tamed with their counterpart items example: golf salotl is tamed with gold.
- and many more salotl taming changes than can be seen in jei by pressing "R" over a salotl bucket in the jei gui
- Freed up space in texture atlas by downsizing images
- Deleted old textures further freeing up space
- Changed collector villager to use trapped chest
- Cakes salotls now are tamed using cake
- Cake salotl buckets now have jei info
- Decreased package size even further
- Luminescent salotls, sun moon and eclipse salotls, midnight,rainbow, greyscale and rainbow midnight salotls alll have jei info.
- all of the buckets now work when taken from creative!!!!! still automatically nametags them tho :)
- Blue luminescent salotls ai fixed.
- winged wanda bucketing now works
- updated winged wanda salotl bucketed texture
- fixed wanda salotl bucket name
- Fixed ice cream crabs bucketing aswell.
- Fixed peppermints texture
- skele salotls (besides wither skele) now are tamed with bones
- Wither skele salotls are now tamed with wither rose or wither skull
- added jei info for all skele salotls buckets on how to tame them
- Fixed sugar skull bounding box
- All base color luminescent salotls now have new taming requirements that can be seen using jei on their buckets.
- Gem stalks texture has been fixed so that it is more compatible with shaders
- Fixed orange gem stalks bounding box
- Added Glowcandy Vines to The Desserted Depths
- Increased Fog in tar and muddy water
- Fixed major issue with mobs not moving when on sugar sand.
- Changed all mobs in Lumi Caves and The Desserted Depths to spawn in as ambient creatures due to mcreator conflic with axolotl spawn types and being tamable entitys.
- Increased possible size of Desserted Depths
- Neoforge files archived till that version can be fixed. very sorry in advance
- Changed generation setting of glowing reeds to be a bit lighter