- This release is a simple backport of 0.1.8 for 1.21.1
- The Azalea Bow can now be enchanted with durability enchantments again
- Using Iris shaders along with The Sky no longer causes a crash
- Chests and other blocks transported with the Mangrove Basket no longer lose their data
- Copper Plated Aethum Flux Nodes synchronize and save properly again, no longer losing a shard on every restart
- Affinity is now compiled against Sodium 0.6.0. This means that if you want to use Sodium with Affinity, a 0.6.x version is now required
- Recipes which require an Enchanted Book as ingredient can now be actually crafted again
- The Artifact Blades now retain their data when upgrading them (again)
- The Azalea Flowers make you drippy again
- Big Girl Decisions and This Resource Matters are no longer awared upon joining a new world
- All relevant cases where Affinity plays sounds now use custom sound events, allowing for better resourcepackability and correct subtitles
- A number of potential crashes related to Affinity's Sodium integration should be resolved
- The Resonating status effect, Aethum drain and the Ritual Socle Composer no longer inflict knockback when dealing damage
- The new Phantom Bundle can be used to filter for multiple items in an Item Transfer Node (Testament entry pending)
- Villager Armatures can no longer be crafted with Nitwit arms
- Villager Armatures now consume Aethum Flux when performing an action
- The Salvo Staff can now lock onto targets up to 25 blocks away
- The Arboreal Annihilation Apparatus no longer causes strange vertex misalignment when emancipating a tree
- Item cooldowns (like that of the Ender Pearl) are now updated by Villager Armatures
- The Artifact Blade smash attack now does the correct amount of damage again (previously it was significantly weakened by a bug introduced during 1.21 porting)
- Affinity's EMI integration no longer unintentionally depends on the cloth-basic-math library (#27)
- The Wand of Inquiry should no longer be able to crash the game in fringe cases where the player has been unloaded but the world remains (#25)
- The new
Unfinished Features
config option allows previewing features we're working on that are somewhat implemented but not completely ready for survival yet (primarily, these are often missing any form of balancing). Currently, this allows crafting the Villager Armature and obtaining Villager Arms
- The maximum duration extension in a Brewing Cauldron has been buffed to 50%
- Trial Spawners and Vaults can no longer be moved using Mangrove Baskets
- Standing Banners can now be rotated using the Swivel Staff
- The Nimble Staff fling indicator now renders with proper translucency again
- The enchantment- and potion-based advancements no longer get granted for any and all inventory modifications
- Arrows fired from an Azalea Bow can no longer be picked up
- The Artifact Blades and Azalea Bow have been added to their respective tool tags, fixing the fact they were not enchantable
- Aspen Infusion recipes now properly cost Aethum Flux to craft again
- Mangrove Baskets in item form with missing or invalid data no longer cause a crash
- Affinity now (correctly) declares its dependency on the newly released 0.12.12 version of owo-lib
- The new Swivel Staff works similarly to the debug stick (and in a more survival-friendly manner) to cycle block state properties
- Ethereal Aethum Flux Nodes can now send flux with an unlimited transfer rate when equipped with the new Void-Resonant Ethereal Amethyst Shard
- Echo Shards and Bottles o' Enchanting can now be crafted using Aspen Infusion
- The Local Displacement Gateway is a new utility block that players can teleport through by interacting
- Azalea Planks can now be used to craft the Azalea Chest using Aspen Infusion, which is like a normal chest with two extra rows of slots
- Wisps are no longer persistent by default
- Item Transfer Nodes can now filter by tags in addition to just items (check the Testament for reference)
- In order to bind an Echo Shard, the player now has to sneak
- Artifact Blades now retain their item data when upgrading them to the next stage
- The "Rock and Stone" advancement is no longer triggered when the block is broken with an incorrect tool
- The Cultivation Staff can now harvest pumpkins and melons (controlled by the new
tag) - Blocks placed by burning a Mangrove Basket should no longer have strange orientations
- Ranthracite Wire no longer causes chunks its in to enter invalid states if it receives an update after those chunks got unloaded and reloaded once
- The loot tables for the Azalea Door and Azalea Hanging Sign now work correctly
- This build is compiled against and bundles the latest version of the
library, resolving an incompatibility with Accessories (#17, Blodhgarm)
- Patchouli multiblock previews now render again while Affinity is installed
Refer to 0.1.0-alpha.14 for 1.20.3/4
- The Astrokinesis Staff can now always perform Astrokinesis while in a Wisp Forest
- The Holographic Stereopticon and The Sky now (mostly) work properly while an Iris shaderpack is active
- Players now get pushed by the Aethum Fire Extinguisher, just like other entities
- Small blocks (like the ritual socles) no longer get washed away
- The
tracked data type is now registered during mod init to prevent crashes on Quilt
Refer to 0.1.0-alpha.13 for 1.20.3/4
- All Affinity crafting methods (which were already integrated with REI) now also integrate with EMI
- Entries for the Aethum Fire Extinguisher, Azalea Bow, Ouija Board, Ranthracite and the Artifact Blades have been added to the Wispen Testament
- Affinity's creative mode tab has been reorganized into a more useful layout with more sensible categories
- Curse of Health can no longer be applied to armor pieces other than the chestplate
- Creating a block imprint with the Holographic Stereopticon no longer crashes dedicated servers
Refer to 0.1.0-alpha.12 for 1.20.3/4
- Items renamed in an anvil while the player is affected by Curse of Illiteracy now retain an obfuscated name
- Field Coherence Modulators are now locked to a specific ritual (for its duration) and visally participate instead of floating ignorantly
- The first block in a link being created with a Wand of Iridescence is now highlighted while holding the wand
- New advancements concerning rituals and Aethum Flux networking
- In addtion to invincibility, the Aethum Overcharger now grants a 200% increase in maximum Aethum strength
- The pitch of the Resounding Chime's hit sound effect now increase with each successive hit
- Enchanting Table / Ouija board text is now readable while affected by Curse of Illiteracy
- Books can now be cursed in the Ouija Board
- Ranthracite and Redstone Wire no longer try to connect diagonally across block edges
- Player imprints in the Holographic Stereopticon render again and no longer crash the game when hovered
Refer to 0.1.0-alpha.11 for 1.20.3/4